Xamarin.Android application architecture -

i have 1 of questions hard asked or answered in forum. have been tasked designing (and implementing) application run on android os. since come .net world, decided use xamarin.android framework (previously known mono android). did research on target framework , come rough design. since new android world, not sure design best one(ore acceptable one). try brief description can. basic requirements application are:

  • the application must capable of providing different gui different users.
  • the application must display data fetched server.
  • the application must provide means user modify server data.
  • when 1 of users modifies server data other users must notified.

based on research come following:

to provide customized gui each user, application first authenticate user retrieve xml file server used programmatically build gui. since have support device rotation , different devices means lot of work, thoughts on welcome.

i think best way application communicate server calling rest based services(get retrieve initial data , put update server state).

when server state modified 1 of users, other users notified using notifications(google cloud messaging or gcm replaced old c2dm). since of activities rely on notifications display updates think best way implement create android service. service started application , run long application. when service started register self gcm , use broadcasts notify current activity has changed.

i apologise long post tried brief could. said, rough design thoughts, ideas or criticism welcome.


i'd more inclined transport/handle gui configuration json.

rest api seems logical choice - i've used restsharp client side these kind of comms , i'm pretty happy it.

gcm snap set up, it's choice. might consider custom long-polling solution depending on needs, gcm aught easier.

pushsharp might worth if need cross-platform push notifications, if don't, writing own gcm server application falling on - got scratch example working couple dozen lines of ruby.


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