
Showing posts from September, 2015

sass - Issue with CSS3 transition flow -

i have setup background transition on this page . the first area of page "il blog - leggi tutti gli articoli" , "gli eventi - leggi tutti gli eventi" shows list of different post types in tiles. when hovering on 1 of them, transition start. when moving out mouse, other transition start. until there everything's fine. the problem shows when move mouse out of tile before transition completed. i trying figure out what's missing in css can't find it. i know solve problem moving transition jquery script, prefer using css approach. here scss excerpt of involved elements: article { @include box-shadow(0 0 2px $primary-color); @include transition(all 1s ease-in-out); @include border-radius(2px); background-image: url('../images/concrete_wall.png'); &:hover { @include box-shadow(0 0 4px $primary-color); background-image: url('../images/concrete_wall_2.png'); } } here's produced cs

excel - Libre Office Calc row limit increase -

i need view 1 lakh (100,000) rows in libre office cal, row size limited. how can increase row size? or tool view 1 lakh lines. want data mining these records. file contain 1 lakh customer records. single file in csv format. 1 lakh rows , 40 columns need view. i'm using libre office version 3. the row limit of libre office depends on version using: pre 3.3.3: limit 65 536 rows 3.3.3 , later: 1 048 576 rows (1m)

sql server - Changing the Column data type that exists in more than one table -

i'm using sql server , have column asset_serial exists in more 1 table. the problem when wanted change type got this: msg 5074, level 16, state 1, line 1 object 'pk_assets' dependent on column 'asset_serial'. msg 5074, level 16, state 1, line 1 object 'fk_assigned_assets_assets' dependent on column 'asset_serial'. msg 4922, level 16, state 9, line 1 alter table alter column asset_serial failed because 1 or more objects access column. any suggestions...? asset_serial primary key of current table , foreign key table first should drop 2 constraint , alter field in both tables , @ last create constraints again if (object_id('fk_constraintname', 'f') not null) begin //drop constraint alter table [tablename] drop constraint [fk_constraintname] alter table [tablename] drop constraint [pk_constraintname] //alter table change column alter table alter column asset_serial //create cont

ios - Draw the frame on the button edge -

i have buttons. need mark of them. make frames. can realize it? can draw frame on buttons edge? add quartzcore framework project. modify buttons follows: #import <quartzcore/quartzcore.h> ......... button.layer.borderwidth = 5.0f; button.layer.bordercolor = [[uicolor blackcolor] cgcolor]; button.layer.cornerradius = 5.0; //optional, if need rounded corners

I want To take registration Fee in Opencart -

i developing e-commerce website using opencart framework , want take registration fee $25 while registering user , how can implement or 1 have extension that. please me . in advance. the simplest solution: make registered customers inapproved - administrator has approve them. display each customer's id on "after-register" confirm page information registration fee has payed , while using id payment variable symbol (you format id code 000000001 , 000012456 , 0124578963 , etc.). after customer pays approve him within administration... automated solution: let registering user decide how pay registration fee (paypal, transfer, other services). after registration, while new customer still not approved , redirect pay service (if applicable). after successful payment (still using customer's id variable symbol) automatically approve user within payment callback. if bank transfer available you'd still have approve them manualy in case of unsucce

c - Dealing with buf between user space and kernel -

i'm making simple device driver capable of receiving , sending characters using uart. my read , write functions follows: unsigned char uart_read(void){ unsigned int buf; while( ( ( inb(uart_lsr + uart) ) & uart_lsr_dr ) == 0 ){ schedule(); } buf = inb(uart); return (char)buf; } ssize_t serp_read(struct file *filep, char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t *offp){ ssize_t cnt, ret; char *buffer; unsigned char data; int i; buffer = kmalloc(count * sizeof(char), gfp_kernel); printk("\nthis kernel, read called , count %zd\n", count); while(1){ buffer[i] = uart_read(); if(buffer[i] == '\n') break; i++; } buffer[strlen(buffer) - 1] = '\0'; if( (cnt = (copy_to_user(buf, buffer, strlen(buffer)))) != 0 ) printk("error in copy_to_user() cnt %d\n", cnt); ret = s

wso2 - How to byepass a older version jar with new? -

i have written class mediator , used in wso2 esb uses ehcache-core-2.6.6 jar have put jar in \esb_home\repository\components\lib folder here twist, have jar ehcache_1.5.0.wso2v3 jar in esb_home\repository\components\plugins. jar comes wso2 esb. when run proxy containing class mediator, takes refrence of ehcache_1.5.0.wso2v3 jar instead of ehcache-core-2.6.6 jar due getting error as: [2013-05-14 17:10:59,898] error - nativeworkerpool uncaught exception java.lang.nosuchmethoderror: net.sf.ehcache.cachemanager.newinstance(ljava/lang/string;)lnet/sf/ehcache/cachemanager; @ @ @ org.apache.synapse.mediators.ext.classmediator.mediate( @ org.apache.synapse.mediators.abstractlistmediator.mediate( @ org.apache.synapse.mediators.base.sequencemediator.mediate(

windows runtime - Unable to add service reference to Portable library -

i not able add service reference portable library. target frameworks are .net 4.5, windows store , windows phone 8. thanks this issue fixed in vs 2012 update 2 . install , try again.

mongodb - shell script - check mongod server is running -

i have shell script mongo db actions: e.g. mongo testdb --eval "db.dropdatabase()" but, if mongod server not running, get: mongodb shell version: 2.0.4 connecting to: testdb tue may 14 04:33:58 error: couldn't connect server shell/mongo.js:84 is there way in mongo can check connection status? want like: if(mongod running): mongo testdb --eval "db.dropdatabase()" else: echo "pls make sure mongod running" exit 1 you should able create bash script this: mongo --eval "db.stats()" # simple harmless command of sort result=$? # returns 0 if mongo eval succeeds if [ $result -ne 0 ]; echo "mongodb not running" exit 1 else echo "mongodb running!" fi

php - update database entry and/or preserve exisisting entries -

i building php application checks birthdays of users in database. these users granted variety of gifts @ birthday, may pick one. keep track of picked, can see has claimed gift , still has gift waiting. the target group of application companies, pay fee per employee part of application. application made make easier companies remember employees birthdays , show care. as companies grow/shrink, hiring, firing employees, update employee list every month system able exclude no longer work there , add new employees. now question is: how do smartest way? if remove every employee associated given company, when given current employee roster, , insert new list scratch, loose association between employee , un/claimed gift in database. on other hand, make sure preserve association in database, if add new employees , remove no longer on roster, how go smartest way? the fields got on employees id , firstname , surname , email , birthday , company_id . neither of these way identify wh

renaming a file while creating zip file through Maven-assembly plugin -

i using maven-assembly plugin create zip , how can rename files while zipping using same plugin?? update: this profile in pom <profile> <id>d1</id> <activation> <property> <name>d1</name> <value>true</value> </property> </activation> <build> <plugins> <plugin> <groupid>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupid> <artifactid>maven-assembly-plugin</artifactid> <version>2.2.2</version> <executions> <execution> <phase>package</phase> <goals> <goal>single</goal> </goals> - how to have indexer object containing data of a database row without DataRow/DataReader in C# -

i'm having 2 wrapper classes contain datareader , datarow, respectively. wrapper classes implement same interface iindexer. used because have lots of methods indexes columns values: here example: how can read datarow or datareader using same code? now need have 3rd option insert-statements. there's no datatables datarow , no need read db. this mayber done having indexerwrapper (or dictionarywrapper): public class indexerwrapper : iindexer { private readonly dictionary<string, object> _indexer; public datareaderwrapper(dictionary<string, object> indexer) { _indexer = indexer; } public object this[string index] { { return _indexer[index]; } } } i have column information of database table loop columns , add column names keys. is there better way it? not handy because have initialize it. performance? in future used large masses , column names stored each item. there overhead compared collection of datarows?

Send multiple outputs to the same HTML file in Powershell -

trying figure out how convert html multiple service checks: i have script: get-service -computername server1 -name *service1* | convertto-html -body "<h2>service 1 check</h2> " -property name,status get-service -computername server2 -name *service2* | convertto-html -body "<br><h2>service 2 check</h2> " -property name,status | out-file c:\servicecheck.htm is possible? may can - $event = get-eventlog -logname security -newest 100 | convertto-html -fragment $process = get-process | convertto-html -fragment convertto-html -body "$event $process" -title "status report" | out-file c:\statusreport.html nb: replace $event , $process service cmdlets. -fragment [<switchparameter>] generates html table. html, head, title, , body tags omitted. reference -

products - Is there a limit for the number of targets you can have in an Xcode project? -

i'm planning have different targets in single xcode project. there limitation on number of targets can have? tested creating 10 targets manually , didn't see problem i'd know if had problem before. targets alone don't have weight. the file references of targets (e.g. source files build) , dependencies tend set logical limits. have project on 100 targets. it's better build things out dependencies, possible.

Android emulator not connecting to internet in xamarin -

i trying create webview , load simple page in in android xamarin. manifest has setting still not able connect internet. when trying connect internet default web browser in emulator, says webpage cannot loaded. how should make connect internet? my problem had set proxy settings in emulator

url - IIS7 HTTP to HTTPS Redirection -

i having difficulty redirecting users https using iis7. i've tried following steps outlined on variety of sites include editing web.config, url rewrite module, , custom error pages. i've found best technique use url rewrite doesn't seem working expected. here information regarding environment. new please bear me. currently, have sql reports can viewed navigating to: . redirects user . currently, there rule in iis under http redirect redirects requests "/reports". here web.conf looks before url rewrite rules applied: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <configuration> <system.webserver> <httpredirect enabled="true" destination="/reports" /> </system.webserver> </configuration> after applying rule, web.conf <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <configurat

php - Creating new Exception classes, new arguments -

i writing new code in want use self defined exceptions. instance tablecreationfailedexception . since i'm using php base class deriving exception class. in case of particular exception needs hold table not created. i'm wondering how best have table field in exception set. required argument in constructor seems way go. put new argument @ front of argument list? shall drop message , arguments if not expect them needed? conventions here, if any? there no hard , fast rules; work fine: class tablecreationfailedexception extends \exception { public function __construct($table, \exception $previous = null) { parent::__construct("table $table not created", 0, $previous); } } in case put specialized argument $table in front of ones parent exception constructor accept. it's advisable make sure can chain exceptions adding $previous constructor arguments. i've left out $code , hardcoded 0 ; add this: public function __

php - compare multi value with foreach -

regex a=1 b=2 c=4 d=17 g=9 ... is function check if charecter , number same .... funnction compare($val1,$val2) { $val1=explode("|",$val1) $val2=explode("|",$val2) foreach(?) { ???? } } how can compare foreach want copare pair $val1[1] $val2[1] , if right return true this example of call function compare ("g|d|a","7|11|12") compare g 7 d 11 .... what mean in copare pair $val1[1] $val2[1] , if right return true? why not use $val1===$val2 ? you can use $result=true; for($i=0; $i<count($val1);$i++){ $result = $result && ($val1[$i]==$val2[$i]); }

winapi - Launching a Metro-style app from a Desktop application -

is there way launch windows 8 app desktop app? e.g : in desktop app push button, , win8 app start(win8 app in suspend mode). yes, there is, using packagemanager , iapplicationactivationmanager api. see our metro-driver project sample code.

svn - A PHP Github class to do updates only -

i have php application want extend self updating capabilities. me best solution use sort of svn protocol update php application. currently application hosted on github, i'm looking class able update local application latest version on github. is there such class available? i'd have class that. don't need functionality commit code, list files in repository or things that. needs update. so i'm looking pure php class can this, doesn't need github application installed on machine in order work. so simple like: $repo = new github ( 'path/to/local/repo', 'url/to/remote/repo', 'master' ); $repo->update ( );

I need to swap 2 files with each other C# -

i'm trying swap 2 files each other. i'm trying this, isn't working. file replacing backup file not creating. have other solution please? file.replace(newlocation,defualtsource, newlocation); file.move("file1.txt", "temp.txt"); file.move("file2.txt", "file1.txt"); file.move("temp.txt", "file2.txt"); why replace should not work, however, not get. sure using right?

javascript - Get extension from a file url -

i using file(input) select file. want retrieve file extension(.jpeg) url c:\users\rajat\pictures\pic1.jpeg . after want put url text box according format i.e audio, video , image. in case better go mimetype instead of extensions. var fileinput = document.getelementbyid('your-file-input-id'); var filetype = fileinput.files[0].type; console.log(filetype);//gives image/jpeg or audio/mp3 var parts = filetype.split('/'); parts[0];//image parts[1];//jpeg

java - SimpleXML - How to ignore the class attribute when deserializing -

i have problem deserializing this: <tutorial name="tutinteractif1" context="mpcapturectlr" type="interactive" class="capturetutorialleveldoors"> the problem simple uses class attribute ito select java class deserialize xml object with. question is: how tell simple use class standard attribute or @ least ignore it? use different strategy strategy strategy = new treestrategy("myclass", "mylength"); persister persister = new persister(strategy); now, "myclass" used instead of "class".

Submitting a Form using Jquery -

okay converting code jquery , js changing focus button target id using whenever press enter or double click in <select> tag. document.getelementbyid.focus() , , returning true submit form. looking example on how same thing using jquery instead. understand there .keypress() , .dblclick() function in jquery , thats think should using passing values of input box or select values little difficult since there multiples of each in form. fyi search page sends sql oracle database. update- $(document).ready(function(){ $('form').submit(function(){ $(this).keypress() if(event.which ==13){ } }); }); this have far not sure if on right track or not. here example of how form is. <form> <tr> <td nowrap="nowrap"><b>&nbsp;&nbsp;search number&nbsp;&nbsp;</b></td> <td style="vertical-align:top"><input type="text&q

python - Assigning values conditionally (with multiple conditions) -

as follow-on original question: python: stripping elements of string array based on first character of each element i'm wondering if can expand if statement: with open(bom_filename, 'r') my_file: file_array = [word.strip() word in my_file if word.startswith("/")] to include , 2nd condition: with open(bom_filename, 'r') my_file: file_array = [word.strip() word in my_file if (word.startswith("/")) & not(word.endswith("/"))] this generates syntax error hope there's alternative syntax can use! with open(bom_filename, 'r') my_file: file_array = [word.strip() word in my_file if (word.startswith("/") , not(word.strip().endswith("/")))] you need change if (word.startswith("/")) & not(word.endswith("/")) to if (word.startswith("/") , not(word.strip().endswith("/"))) or parenthesis removed: (as per @viraptor's suggesti

c# - How to do a HTTP GET request using async and await -

i'm trying create function takes url parameter , returns response it, give me error in webresponse responseobject intialization line the exception an exception of type '' occurred in not handled in user code public static async task<string> get(string url) { var request = webrequest.create(new uri(url)) httpwebrequest; request.method = "get"; request.contenttype = "application/json"; webresponse responseobject = await task<webresponse>.factory.fromasync(request.begingetresponse, request.endgetresponse, request); var responsestream = responseobject.getresponsestream(); var sr = new streamreader(responsestream); string received = await sr.readtoendasync(); return received; } you can't set contenttype request aren't sending data server. content-type = mime type of body of request (used post , put requests). this source of prot

javascript - ASP.NET - onkeydown event not working in Firefox -

so having issue in firefox onkeydown event image button. don't want button action fire until let off button. works great in both ie , chrome. cannot figure out why doesn't work in firefox(20.0.1). here image button code: <asp:imagebutton id="btnbutton1" imageurl="/images/target.png" runat="server" height="75" width="75" onkeydown="return false;" onkeyup="buttonclick()" /> so onkeyup seems work perfect in browsers, onkeydown not want work in firefox , cannot figure out. appreciated. i don't know if help, post javascript function onkeyup well: function buttonclick() { document.getelementbyid('<%=btnbutton1.clientid %>').click(); return true; } hmmm, can try? $(document).on("keypress", ".chat-input ", function (val) { cleartimeout(timer); timer = settimeout(function () { //codes }, 1); }).on('keydown', fu

javascript - jquery function to replace textarea text not working -

i'm not used working jquery appreciated. have written function cannot work, can tell me wrong. $(function() { $('#replace_button').onclick(function() { $('#box_txt').val().replace(/\t/g, '[tab]'); $('#box_txt').val().replace(/\n/g, '[break]'); }); }); the html accompanies is <textarea name='box_txt' id='box_txt' rows='6' cols='50'></textarea> <br> <input type='button' id='replace_button' value='replace'> i want replace tabs [tab] , linebreaks [break] when button pressed. many thanks. val returns string, not kind of pointer value. , replace doesn't change string pass (strings immutable in javascript) returns new one. you may use var field = $('#box_txt'), s = field.val(); s = s.replace(/\t/g, '[tab]').replace(/\n/g, '[break]'); field.val(s); demonstration

java - Recommend a NoSQL database to replace this MySQL database containing large objects and many attributes -

i'm looking alternative database mysql (engine = myisam). my java application stores large objects 250 - 300 attributes each. there 500 millions objects on single mysql server. avoiding unnecessary joins, uses vertical partition, performed manually. there 250 tables storing attribute values, indexed. mysql performs when querying particular attributes (querying 5 attributes means 5 joins). recommend nosql-database increase speed of query performance (range queries, exact match queries , combination of them). mongodb seems alternative storing these objects in single collection, unfortunately mongodb can index maximum of 64 attributes per collection, means have split object values well. mongodb doesn't provide capability joining collection server-side. does know how "join" multiple collection using mongodb / java using dbref / manual references? if no, there other nosql-databases storing large object ca. 250 attributes, described above? requirement

javascript - sending mouse clicks from Flash to JS -

is possible send mouse events flash js? have flash images ui, underneath js. want flash mouse click event sent js, possible? yes, can send kind of data flash javascript (and viceversa) using externalinterface , allows invoke javascript functions passing parameters flash as3 code.

Windows azure connect virtual machinie from different account -

i connect 2 vm 2 different account in windows azure. is possible? because i've searched in web , e.g same account. thank help this not possible. azure connect per subscription scope. see if new endpoint site vpn works , haven't tried it.

java - Android android.util.Patterns.EMAIL_ADDRESS strange behaviour -

today experienced strange pattern behaviour. for instance, on tablet 3.2 stock rom(previously 4.0.+) works well. but on other 3.2 tablets , 4.0 devices doesn't. function test email functionality like: public static boolean checkemail(charsequence emailaddress){ if( build.version.sdk_int >= 8 ){ return android.util.patterns.email_address.matcher(emailaddress).matches(); } .... so have in 16'th sources email addres pattern(java code): public static final pattern email_address = pattern.compile( "[a-za-z0-9\\+\\.\\_\\%\\-\\+]{1,256}" + "\\@" + "[a-za-z0-9][a-za-z0-9\\-]{0,64}" + "(" + "\\." + "[a-za-z0-9][a-za-z0-9\\-]{0,25}" + ")+" ); here 'normalised' version: [a-za-z0-9\\+\\.\\_\\%\\-\\+]{1,256}\\@[a-za-z0-9][a-za-z0-9\\-]{0,64}(\\.[a-za-z0-9][a-za-z0-9\\-]{0,25})+ regexpal ( js regex

c# - error 42601 syntax error at or near -

i'm using c# application load postgresql table appropriate data. here code: npgsqlconnection conn = new npgsqlconnection("server=localhost;port=5432;userid=postgres;password=***** ;database=postgres;"); npgsqlcommand command = new npgsqlcommand(); command.connection = conn;; try { command.commandtext = "insert projets (id, title, path, description, datecreated) values('" + + "','" + pro.title + "','" + pro.path + "', '' ,'" + pro.datecreated + "')"; command.executenonquery(); } catch { throw; } conn.close(); however, when executing code, keep getting same error: error 42601 syntax error @ or near... i didnt find how escape apostroph. try write command using parametrized query command.commandtext = "insert projets (id, title, path, description, datecreated) " + "values(@id, @title, @path, '',

java - How can I check database field every day?Cron job? -

i' m developing application in java connected database (oracle or sqlite). in database store contracts. contract has field access_date . , want check field once every day , if 1 day access_date equal current date mark contract not valid. how can implement this? in php far know there cron jobs such tasks java or java ee? how can this?thanks in advance! you can in 2 ways: you can use cron invoke java program @ specific time (in case, 1 every day). if java program designed run service/daemon (staying in background time), can use job scheduler such quartz scheduler invoke check function @ specific time. as extension of 2., can use scheduledexecutorservice .

neo4j - Cypher 2.0 - MERGE operation -

are there prereqs use merge operation? merge examples neo4j documentation such as: merge (robert:critic) return robert, labels(robert) return: an unknown error occurred, unable retrieve result you. by way, "live" examples documentation don't work either: query: merge (robert:critic) return robert, labels(robert) error: invalid start of query "merge (robert:critic) return robert, labels(robert)" ^ okay, bug. opening report on github. the following works fine btw: start _0 = node(0) _0 merge (robert:critic) return robert, labels(robert)

java - Finding a file in a root directory of jar exported from Eclipse for JUNIT testing -

in eclipse junit test have several text input files opened by new bufferedreader(new filereader(inputfilename));. they placed in root directory of project after exporting project jar these files placed jar root directory. run junit test linux java -cp "<my jar>:junit-4.8.2.jar:jaxb-impl.jar" junit.textui.testrunner <test class name> however, in case getting best way fix problem on linux , @ same time still able run tests eclipse? use class#getresourceasstream() method load classpath resources: inputstream = this.getclass().getresourceasstream("myfile.txt"); you can convert reader interface using inputstreamreader adapter.

icloud - Saving the same UIManagedDocument on two different devices generates error -

should same uimanageddocument open on both of devices, , save (using following code): [self.documentdatabase.managedobjectcontext performblockandwait:^{ stnotelabelcell *cell = (stnotelabelcell *)[self.notetableview cellforrowatindexpath:indexpath]; [cell setnote:newnote animated:yes]; }]; i told uimanageddocument s documentstate changed uidocumentstatesavingerror error: coredata: error: (1) i/o error database @ /var/mobile/applications/some-long-id/documents/read.dox/storecontent.nosync/persistentstore. sqlite error code:1, 'cannot rollback - no transaction active' 2013-05-14 16:30:09.062 myapp[11711:4d23] -[_pfubiquityrecordimportoperation main](312): coredata: ubiquity: threw trying knowledge vector store: <nssqlcore: 0x1e9e2680> (url: file://localhost/var/mobile/applications/some-long-id/documents/read.dox/storecontent.nosync/persistentstore) does know why error happens? a couple of things... i think saving same document on 2 differ mvc - using LEADTOOLS to convert doc to pdf -

i playing around leadtools see how might benefit me little frustrated documentation regarding how process works. creating library methods take input file, convert pdf, add qrcode file , save , reading qrcode again. does pdf have converted image before leadtools able read qrcode? does leadtools allow converting doc pdf , adding qrcode or have convert image well? is there anywhere @ code samples of how can go doing talked other leadtools site itself? i sorry hear having difficulties, best pointed in right direction. to answer questions: a1.) yes, pdf need rasterized before leadtools barcode engine can used. our barcode engine work raw image data. once file decompressed raw data, not access file further. a2.) yes, can rasterize microsoft word documents using either our file i/o methods or leadtools virtual printer. once have raw image data, can pass barcode engine write qr code data. once barcode written, can compress image supported format, including (raster) pd

javascript - Data rendering is making animation lag -

we use angular.js our application , need add animation. create directive that. but main problem if start animation @ same time angular update model , render in view, animation start lagging. problem occur when have big list (around 150) created ng-repeat. i've tried use jquery animation , tweenmax doesn't change thing. need fix because 1 of our biggest problem right performance of our application animation. anyone have idea how prevent that? i'm not doing in code: **in crontroller** $scope.$on('$routechangesuccess', function( obj, current, previous ){ acidata.getsequence( $scope.sequenceslug ).then(function(data) { $rootscope.sequence =; }); } **in directive** scope.$on('$routechangesuccess', function( obj, current, previous ){ if(angular.isdefined(current.params.sequence) && current.params.sequence != 'dashboard'){ elm.animate({ 'left' : '0'

jquery - Issues binding complex json model in MVC3 controller -

i have been struggling post work in project. bascially, passing list of install objects ( install object contains list of facility objects) controller. have yet binding work successfully. have been able count of list items reflect number of items passed controller, none of properties being set in individual objects. here code performs post: $("#openfacilityresults").button().click(function () { var installholder = { installlist: [] } var foundinstall = false $('.fullexport').each(function () { //var install = { installrecnum: 0, facilitylist: [facility, facility] } //var facility = { id: 0, product: 0 } if ($(this).prop('checked')) { var substr = $(this).parent().find('input:hidden').val().split('|'); var fac = { id: substr[1], product: substr[2] } foundinstall = false $.each(installholder.installlist, function (index, value) { if (value.installrecnum == subst

javascript - JQuery Datepicker date is captured only when the day is clicked -

ran weird problem jquery datepicker. i've set option changemonth: true enable month change. say, if datepicker displays date 02/05/2013 , when change month april(not clicking on day in control), date gets displayed 02/04/2013 . when date control, end getting old month value instead of newly selected one. code: $('#uxstartdatetime').datetimepicker({ timeformat: "hh:mm tt", dateformat: "dd/mm/yy", showbuttonpanel: false, changemonth: true, changeyear: true }); //getting date var startdate = $('#uxstartdatetime').datetimepicker('getdate'); //formatting date send via ajax c# startdate = startdate.getfullyear() + "-" + (startdate.getmonth() + 1) + "-" + startdate.getdate() + " " + startdate.gethours() + ":" + startdate.getminutes(); is there wrong method or known issue? that expected datepicker behavior, adeneo pointed out in comment. if want change this, hav

javascript - Finding the specific Tag a -

my html is: <a id="showslotsbylocation_" href="#" style="color:blue;" onclick="confirmappt('28/05/2013','364301');">14.00 - 14.15</a> <a id="showslotsbylocation_" href="#" style="color:blue;" onclick="confirmappt('28/05/2013','364303');">14.15 - 14.30</a> id name same on links. main difficulty. i want click second link javascript code configure web browser is if (location.pathname == "/abc") { //alert('location found') ok found; var el = document.getelementsbytagname("a"); (var i=0;i<el.length;i++) { if ( == 'showslotsbylocation_' && el.innertext.isequal('14.15 - 14.30') && el.outerhtml.contains("confirmappt('28/05/2013'")) { alert('link found') \\this condition not match; el.onclick();

active directory - Powershell to get user attributes given samaaccount -

i have notepad list of 100 users. use below script users within 1 ou time have users different ou , have search using samaccountname. clear $userinfofile = new-item -type file -force "c:\scripts\userinfo.txt" "login`tgivenname`temail" | out-file $userinfofile -encoding ascii import-csv "c:\scripts\ou.txt" | foreach-object { $dn = $_.dn $objfilter = "(&(objectcategory=user)(objectcategory=person))" $objsearch = new-object system.directoryservices.directorysearcher $objsearch.pagesize = 15000 $objsearch.filter = $objfilter $objsearch.searchroot = "ldap://$dn" $allobj = $objsearch.findall() foreach ($obj in $allobj) { $objitems = $ $ssamaccountname = $objitems.samaccountname $ssamaccountnamegn = $objitems.givenname $ssamaccountnamesn = $ $ssamaccountnameen = $objitems.mail "$ssamaccountname`t$ssama

excel - How to import data from a worksheet to the powerpivot from the same workbook -

i wants import data worksheet in workbook "\foo.xlsx" powerpivot in same workbook "\foo.xlsx". when try give connection same workbook gives error: the file have chosen in use. please close file before import. is there way solve problem??!! thanks please use create linked table found in powerpivot tab

javascript - Change array values to number from string -

i have array these values: var items = [thursday,100,100,100,100,100,100] i'm grabbing these url query string string values. want columns except first number. array may vary in number of columns, there way set items[0] string, items[n] number? " there way set items[0] string, items[n] number?" use .shift() first, .map() build new array of numbers, .unshift() add first in. var first = items.shift(); items =; items.unshift(first); demo: we can squeeze down bit this: var first = items.shift(); (items =; demo: mdn shim

android - Error in configuring virtual box to ADB -

i have setup virtual box android emulator. fine till now, when trying connect add virtual box throwing me message: unable connect i have win 7 machine please me resolve this. i answering question 1 can use if similar error removed virtual device , installed again. time changed network adaptor nat bridge adapter in settings. pressed alt+f1 , typed netcfg, noted down ip , got connected command prompt using adb connect ip.

bandwidth - ratio of bits/hz of digitized voice channel -

we need transmit 100 digitized voice channels using passband channel of 30 khz. should ratio of bits/hz if use no guard band? what understand , bandwidth : 30 khz / 100 = 300 hz and ratio of bit/hz if no guard band 640000/300 = 213.333... bits/hz (because digitized voice channel has date rate of 64 kbps) is right answers? digitization scheme. high quality pcm - 144 kbps, pcm (dso) - 64 kbps, cvsd - 32 kbps, compressed - 16 kbps, lpc - 2.4 kbps. assuming dso, have 100 channels @ 64 kbps or 6400 kbps send on 20 khz channel. 6400 kbps / 20 khz = 320 b/hz. rather high packing done on noise-free channel. entropic multiplexing (don't send silent time) reduce factor of 5-10 32-64 k/hz.

jquery/ui menu mouseover/out/click animation issue -

i ran problem while trying create navigation menu. defined 3 function using jqueryui, onmouseover function, onmouseout function , onclick function. first used emulate hover effect , last 1 change selections. works great unless remove mouse clicked option, before select animation finishes. here code: html <ul id="inav"> <li class="opt selected">option1</li> <li class="opt">option2</li> <li class="opt">option3</li> <li class="opt">option4</li> <li class="opt">option5</li> </ul> css body { background: #000; } #inav { display: block; width: 300px; height: 400px; float: left; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-top: 60px; background: url('../img/nbg.png'); } .opt { display: block; width: 100%; height: 40px;

iphone - Increase height of UIView above UITableView -

i added uiview above uitableview via storyboard. wondering if there way increase height of uiview programmatically , push down table cells. uitableview static table. i'm using code: cgrect newframe = myuiview.frame; newframe.size.height = 300; myuiview.frame = newframe; with code, uiview height increasing, overlapping table cells below it. there way "push" tableview lower? thanks! since using storyboard, easiest , cleanest way change size of uitableview , move down make room uiview . can move/change uiview whatever size want. non-storyboard solution. change frame of uitableview also. self.tableview.frame = cgrectmake(x,y,height,width);

java - Provide a method definition with an abstract version before it? -

is posible have: public abstract void somemethod(); ... public void somemethod() { // ... } in same class? or definition have in child classes? public abstract void somemethod(); public void somemethod() { // ... } in same class, duplicate method definition . not possible. method differentiated based on method signature , not based on modifier abstract .from official java tutorial : two of components of method declaration comprise method signature—the method's name , parameter types.the java programming language supports overloading methods, , java can distinguish between methods different method signatures. question: or definition have in child classes? it can subclass , must concrete subclass in, first non abstract subclass should provide implementation abstract method. again, java tutorial : when abstract class subclassed, subclass provides implementations of abstract methods in parent class. however, if not, subclass must dec

php - Updating database with Ext Store Writer - ExtJS 4.2 -

i had modified sencha's writers example , couldn't make update data in database. have php script @ server's side, can not see update call extjs. using reader data, , works fine, when try update data sending server, never call. here code: ext.require([ 'ext.grid.*', '*', 'ext.util.*', 'ext.state.*', 'ext.form.*' ]); ext.onready(function(){ // define our data model ext.define('empresa', { extend: '', fields: [ { name: 'id', type: 'int' }, { name: 'nombre', type: 'string' }, { name: 'estado', type: 'int' }, { dateformat: 'd/m/y', name: 'fechacreacion', type: &#

PyDev Remote Debugger and Tab Completion in Eclipse -

this might limitation of pydev debugger know how enable tab completion , history in plain python shell in eclipse debug console window? pressing tab or arrow keys jumps/moves cursor. pydev remote debugger initialized needed following code: pydevsrc import pydevd;pydevd.settrace('<my ip>', stdouttoserver=true, stderrtoserver=true, suspend=true) did check preferences -> pydev -> editor -> code completion -> "use code completion on debug console sessions?"