active directory - Powershell to get user attributes given samaaccount -
i have notepad list of 100 users. use below script users within 1 ou time have users different ou , have search using samaccountname.
clear $userinfofile = new-item -type file -force "c:\scripts\userinfo.txt" "login`tgivenname`temail" | out-file $userinfofile -encoding ascii import-csv "c:\scripts\ou.txt" | foreach-object { $dn = $_.dn $objfilter = "(&(objectcategory=user)(objectcategory=person))" $objsearch = new-object system.directoryservices.directorysearcher $objsearch.pagesize = 15000 $objsearch.filter = $objfilter $objsearch.searchroot = "ldap://$dn" $allobj = $objsearch.findall() foreach ($obj in $allobj) { $objitems = $ $ssamaccountname = $objitems.samaccountname $ssamaccountnamegn = $objitems.givenname $ssamaccountnamesn = $ $ssamaccountnameen = $objitems.mail "$ssamaccountname`t$ssamaccountnamegn`t$ssamaccountnamesn`t$ssamaccountnameen" | out-file $userinfofile -encoding ascii -append } # end of foreach } # end of foreach-object
i trying use list of samaccountname name , email of users. new powershell above script bit difficult me grasp , on more difficult task.
not sure if understand question correctly, if want filter user list account names this:
$accounts = get-content userlist.txt ... $objsearch.findall() | ? { $accounts -contains $ } | % { "{0}`t{1}`t{2}" -f ($, $, $ }
btw, i'd recommend using activedirectory
powershell module if possible. allow retrieve user accounts simple get-aduser
, simplifying code. ou can extracted user's distinguished name splitting dn @ first comma. this:
$accounts = get-content userlist.txt get-aduser * -properties * | ? { $accounts -contains $ } | select @{n="ou";e={($_.distinguishedname -split ",", 2)[1]}}, mail, givenname, sn, homedirectory
or this:
get-content userlist.txt | get-aduser -properties * | select @{n="ou";e={($_.distinguishedname -split ",", 2)[1]}}, mail, givenname, sn, homedirectory
untested, though, since don't have ad @ hand here.
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