
Showing posts from May, 2010

Rename flags in outlook 2003 -

i'm using outlook 2003 , using flags define different followup categories. in-build 'red flag', 'blue flag' labels not useful, need define custom labels. that, went through following link i completed first 3 steps. while on step 4, when right click flag in new toolbar, default menu select toolbars. has idea problem , how can fix it? are right-clicking flag icon? looks right-clicked toolbar item itself. sometimes, difficult tell. screenshot looks list of available toolbars. this not context menu icon.

symfony - How to set default route parameter from session? -

if have batch of routes looking this: /{location}/catalog /{location}/search etc. session has "location" attribute (alias auto-recognized user location, e.g. city). so, generate each route {location} parameter, need do { location: session.get('location') } is there way automatically? can override default urlgenerator , inject @session it? try override routingextension class /vendor/symfony/symfony/src/symfony/bridge/twig/extension/codeextension.php symfony 2.1 extending core classes also fork , use composer

Start/Stop Service with C# Windows 8 app -

i brand new windows development, , trying create windows 8 app using c#/xaml. app, want stop existing service. possible? have not been able find documentation on this... no, can't things metro style app. need create regular win32 app. mvc - JQGrid ContextMenu - Dynamic Menus -

i have page, used building queries , running them against different entities (kind of query builder/generic search). the results displayed in jqgrid, same grid used rendering results different entities. this results grid has support context menus, differ each entity. need way change context menu per entity. each entity may have different number of menu items in context menu , each item may respond in different manner (sometimes alert, action spawning in different tab). rendering different menus (through li) not issue attaching methods li proving challenge. pointers highly appreciated. i using jquery.contextmenu-ui.js . following sample picked (jqgrid) site function initgrid() { $("#entitygrid").contextmenu('cmenu' ,{ bindings: { /* avoid , pass actions 1 method*/ 'edit': function (t) { editrow(); }, 'add': function (t) { addrow(); },

c++ - How to do file I/O with std::vector<bool>? -

i need implement boolean data container store large amount of variables. suppose use char* , implement c-style macro accessors prefer have wrapped in std:: structure. std::bitset<size_t> not seem practical has fixed-during-compilation size. so leaves me std::vector<bool> optimized space; , has nice bool-like accessor. is there way directly feed pointer fwrite() ? and how 1 file input such vector? and lastly, data structure when lot of file i/o needed? what random file access ( fseek etc)? edit: i've decided wrap std::vector<unsigned int> in new class has functionality demanded requirements. is there way directly feed pointer fwrite()? no, can std::fstream std::ofstream f("output.file"); std::copy(vb.begin(), vb.end(), std::ostream_iterator<bool>(f)); and how 1 file input such vector? using std::fstream std::ifstream f("input.file"); std::copy(std::istream_iterator<bool>

Metasploit Framework running on Android -

is possible run metasploit framework on android devices? i've googled , found link . there's access denied error. any ideas? judging own google results , possible. there no direct port of metasploit android there other methods: custom rom (ca 2011) dsploit has support many of metasploit's methods using backtrack on phone a side note: link requires create account. if you're curious, might well. of course if you're suspicious of website, use tor , throw-away email address make account.

android - Service stops updating location -

i working on app has work in background , send location updates server. the code pretty simple , normaly works. there service has timer sends updates server every 15 seconds , implements locationlistener interface. i dont think giving code useful, here how set class: @override public void oncreate() { super.oncreate(); locationmanager = (locationmanager) getsystemservice(context.location_service); locationmanager.requestlocationupdates( locationmanager.gps_provider , 5000, 10.0f, this); locationmanager.requestlocationupdates( locationmanager.network_provider , 5000, 10.0f, this); //ping task sends updates server ping_timer.scheduleatfixedrate( new ping_task(), 5000, ping_task.time_get_jobs*1000 ); } in practice have problems code. services should work in background, if service stoppes there gcm system in place restart service in background. even these protections still have problems, app not update location anymore, if clear service st

jQuery live() works with jQuery 1.8.3 & below but not with 1.9.1 or 2.0 -

i've been using while , has been fine, 1.8.3 got quite old i've decided move latest jquery. , few things stopped working: quicksand plugin , part of own jquery code (that shows additional data under every slide of slider). can me figuring out what's wrong? or maybe it's not worth moving jquery versions above 1.8.3? check jsfiddle. html: <a href="#" class="show" data-show="first">show</a> <a href="#" class="show" data-show="second">show</a> <div id="first">first paragraph.</div> <div id="second">second paragraph</div> js: jquery(".show").live("click", function (e) { var slide = '#' + jquery(this).data('show'); jquery(slide).slidetoggle(); e.preventdefault(); }); css: div { display: none; } here's working jsfi

android - Through Phone Gap how to know total size[used+unused] of Sd-card -

i building multi platform mobile application using phonegap. query is, through localfilesystem how we'll know how memory there in sd-card [used + unused]. or in way possible, through native way[android, iphone] how can find sd-card memory information[used + unused]. what developing plugin accesses native functionality this .

seo - can a search engine read a PHP echo in a sites alt tags? -

is practice use php inject text alt or title tags? can search engine read title tag or see code? this going for <?php $title = “testing 123" ; ?> <h2><?php echo $title; ?></h2> <img src="images/test/test01.jpg" alt="<?php echo $title; ?>" title="<?php echo $title; ?>" /> or better this <h2><?php echo $title; ?></h2> <img src="images/test/test01.jpg" alt=" testing 123" title=" testing 123" /> thanks help. a search engine crawls website user does. send http (usually) request , search page source returned server (your delivered content, in case php's output). this means search engines never see server side code php, see same user. 2 solutions identical. mvc 4 - Orchard CMS content item's type could not be changed programmatically -

i created content item's instance follows: contentitem ci ="contenttypea"); _orchardservices.contentmanager.create(ci, versionoptions.published);<somecontentpart>().someattr = value; ... _orchardservices.contentmanager.publish(ci); in method need change it's content type, , tried following without success: ci.typedefinition = _contentdefinitionmanager.gettypedefinition("contenttypeb"); ci.contenttype = "contenttypeb"; when query content item again, content type still "contenttypea" instead of "contenttypeb". any ideas? once content item has been created, can't change content type. well, in theory hack database , make work, seems better use of time create new item , copy data.

html - Select the next <td> in a table using jQuery -

i working on mvc 3 application. building table dynamically data database. have case when third column/cell row dropdown : <select name="yesnonotapplicable" class="yesnonotapplicable"> <option value="1">yes</option> <option value="2">no</option> <option value="3">not applicable</option> </select> in case fourth column/cell stays empty , if user select 3(not applicable) in fourth cell should shown textbox user can write additional information. have poor knowledge in js , jquery, find out how selected value dropdown : $(document).ready(function () { $('.yesnonotapplicable').change(function () { alert($('.yesnonotapplicable').val()); }); }); but instead alert need check if value 3(this far can go myself) , show/hide or a

comparable - Scala - TreeSet of tuples -

i trying instantiate treeset in scala, passing specific comparator on tuples this: var heads: java.util.treeset[(t, int)] = new java.util.treeset[(t, int)](new comparator[(t,int)] { def compare(o1: (t, int), o2: (t, int)): int = ordering[(t, int)].compare(o1, o2) }) however, implicit ordering on t cannot found. should specify t <: comparable[t] in type hierarchy or there simple wayto achieve tuple comparison? since comparing tuples, need specify element use comparisons, e.g. if want order first element of type t : object main extends app { import java.util.comparator def heads[t: ordering] = new java.util.treeset[(t, int)](new comparator[(t,int)] { def compare(o1: (t, int), o2: (t, int)): int =[(t, int), t](_._1).compare(o1, o2) }) val test = heads[string] test.add(("foo", 42)) test.add(("foo", 42)) test.add(("bar", 17)) println(test) } this output [(bar,17), (foo,42)] .

java - How Can I iterate this map in reverse direction -

this map iterators remove data based on conditions, want run same map in reverse direction , conditions accordingly. but couldn't find listiterator go easily. how can go ? also map implementation using treemap for(int i=countiteration;i<(countiteration+2);i++) { iterator = imagefilexxsm.entryset().iterator(); while (it.hasnext()) { map.entry pairs = (map.entry); if(pairs.getkey().equals(data1.get(i).replace(".png", ".mp3"))) { it.remove(); } } iterator itr = imagefilexxs.entryset().iterator(); while (itr.hasnext()) { map.entry pairsx = (map.entry); if(pairsx.getkey().equals(data1.get(i))) { system.out.println("entry deleted."+pairsx.getkey()); itr.remove(); } } } treemap has descendingmap method (note returns view on original map, not copy it): //

c# - An error occurred creating the configuration section handler error in .NET 4.5 -

i have problem... nobody else can wonder if here can? i have web service project (originally in .net 2.0 upgraded .net 4.5) working morning. have winforms project connects web services. when building winforms app, build successful, when running it, error: an error occurred creating configuration section handler applicationsettings/ not load file or assembly 'application, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=b77a5c561934e089' or 1 of dependencies. system cannot find file specified. i have looked through , other sites cannot find specific shows cause of error. i've tried downgrading .net frameworks , upgrading them again - running on 4.5 - fails on: [global::system.configuration.applicationscopedsettingattribute()] [global::system.diagnostics.debuggernonusercodeattribute()] [global::system.configuration.specialsettingattribute(global::system.configuration.specialsetting.webserviceurl)] [global::system.configur

Ruby on rails where is the real issue? -

after 2 years want working ruby on rails again, i've tried start project again, wasn't working, followed instructions written 2 years ago. think application has dependency problem or don't know, can give advice how can find source of problem, have tried google. i've tried: bundle update bundle install rake db:create bundle pack rake install i got following error when using rake db:create or other rake commands: warning: cucumber-rails required outside of env.rb. rest of loading being defered until env.rb called. avoid warning, move 'gem cucumber-rails' under group :test in gemfile rake aborted! no such file load -- rspec /home/elemer/railsapp/newest/railsapp/rails/ruby/1.9.1/gems/activesupport-3.0.9/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:239:in `require' /home/elemer/railsapp/newest/railsapp/rails/ruby/1.9.1/gems/activesupport-3.0.9/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:239:in `block in require' /home/elemer/railsapp/newest/railsapp/rails/rub

java - Converting JSONArray String to array -

i have json data {"mydata":{"numbers":[12,23,34]}} by taking jsonobject following object: jsonobject obj = mydataobj.getjsonobject("mydata"); so obj this: {"numbers":[12,23,34]} i need use numbers elements. make for-loop use elements. string numbers = myobject.getstring("numbers"); this gives string this: ["12","23","34"] how can convert array or arraylist? have array having values of 12, 23 , 34. edit: after getting array, arraylist of jsonarray, compare "numbers1_array" , "numbers2_array". find elements exists in first array doesn't exists in second array. selecting data structure type related compare operation easier. you try getjsonarray() instead of getstring() , , iterate on jsonarray , build arraylist .

javascript - Adding custom variables to an object -

this question has answer here: how convert string object's field name in javascript 4 answers dynamically access object property using variable 10 answers suppose have object obj has variables in it. want add new variable has name gave parameter. example: var obj= { number:8 } function addfield(field_name,obj) { //some magical code here } if call addfield('name',obj); i want able do'apple' after calling function. any ideas? use square brackets notation: obj[field_name] = value; ref:

iphone - Open map within application for iOS6 or previous -

i have lat , long of address , want open maps both iphone map in ios6 , google map before ios6 within application. tried open map of google before ios6 not working. [[uiapplication sharedapplication] canopenurl: [nsurl urlwithstring:@"comgooglemaps://?center=46.414382,10.013988&mapmode=streetview"]]; i doing above line of code mentioned not working. kindly if 1 know please me on that. in advance. there 2 different methods: canopenurl , openurl with canopenurl check it possible open external application (in case map app -from apple of google-. once have checked it, have use [[uiapplication sharedapplication] openurl:nsurl urlwithstring] open it. so can try: if ([[uiapplication sharedapplication] canopenurl: [nsurl urlwithstring:@"comgooglemaps://?center=46.414382,10.013988&mapmode=streetview"]]){ [[uiapplication sharedapplication] openurl: [nsurl urlwithstring:@"comgooglemaps://?center=46.414382,10.013988&mapmode=st

javascript - DOM takes too long to react -

i'm trying "get" image file every 100ms changing source of dom object. can see call indeed returning correct image every 100ms, actual image display updates once second. here's javascript code work: <img id="videodisplay" style="width:800; height:600"/> <script type="text/javascript"> function videodatapoll(filename) { settimeout(function() { document.getelementbyid("videodisplay").src = filename + "?random="+(new date()).gettime(); videodatapoll(filename); }, 100); } </script> update: changed function use preloading follows: <canvas id="videodisplay" style="width:800; height:600"/> <script type="text/javascript"> var x=0, y=0; var canvas, context, img; function videodatapoll() { var filename = getfilename(); canvas = document.getelementbyid("videodisplay"); context = canvas.getcontext("2d

c# - Bind to a hyperlinkfield in a gridview -

i have gridview pulls data xml file. 1 of columns of gridview hyperlinkfield. want bind url field contained in xml file column. think have right idea code below cant figure out how finish it. url datakey of gridview way. protected void grdcontents_rowcreated(object sender, gridviewroweventargs e) { ((hyperlinkfield)grdcontents.columns[1]).navigateurl = } you can bind hyperlink on gridview_rowdatabound event this protected void gridview_rowdatabound(object sender, gridviewroweventargs e) { if (e.row.rowtype.equals(datacontrolrowtype.datarow)) { hyperlinkfield lnkhyper = (hyperlinkfield)e.row.findcontrol("hyperlinkfield1"); lnkhyper.navigateurl=""; } } try this. or can bind url using databinder.eval @ time of binding source grid like <columns> <asp:templatefield> <itemtempla

xml - Unique attributes with xpath not working -

i validate xml document xsd schema file. xml document contains information windows services, set name attribute service unique value. here small xml example: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <services xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns=""> <service name="alg" startmode="manual" state="stopped"> <displayname>xyz</displayname> </service> <service name="alluserinstallagent" startmode="manual" state="stopped"> <displayname>xyz</displayname> </service> <service name="alluserinstallagent" startmode="manual" state="stopped"> <displayname>xyz</displayname> </service> <service name="alluserinstallagent" startmode="m

c# - Entity Framework : many to many relationship , Insert and update -

i have news entity , news based on newsid. defined new entity , group , want news based on group id. tried handle (many many) relationships using this article by using code first approach. so in context added : public class groupnews : dbcontext { public dbset<group> group { get; set; } public dbset<news> news { get; set; } public groupnews() : base("mydb") { } public int newsid { get; set; } } this.hasmany(t => .withmany(t => t.groups) .map(m => { m.totable("groupnews"); m.mapleftkey("groupid"); m.maprightkey("newsid"); }); now can news based on groupid using approach. problem in insertign new news , updating.for need save newsid , groupid in groupnews table. doing . in news model defined : public virtual icollection<group> relatedgroups { get; set; } public

c# - WPF Caliburn.Micro/mvvm Navigation -

i'm building project, , 1 of biggest problems i've come across until navigation. i've been looking time examples of caliburn.micro/mvvm navigation, seem long , couldn't understand of (beginner here!). some info project: want there outer window/shell, menu links/tabs open pages according button clicked inside inner part of shell, , able open change page within one. i have: shellviewmodel.cs, mainviewmodel.cs, models, , views. for now, need know how make mainviewmodel load inside shellviewmodel on startup(using contentcontrol/frames...), , how move 1 page another. you write in points, , link me useful examples, , believe continue there. it'd best thorough explanation of stuff if possible . have read conductors , screens on official documentation. as simple example, shellviewmodel conductor of 1 active screen (i.e. 1 screen becomes active/inactive @ time): public class shellviewmodel : conductor<iscreen>.collection.oneactive you can

debugging - Is it possible to see input data passed to kernel in gDEBugger? -

i'm learning opencl , got problems program ( running fine on gpu not on cpu). wanted try gdebugger. i'd know if it's possible see input data passed kernel in gdebugger , if how can see. searched couldn't information. hope you'll able help. take care. best regards, jacq you can see input , output buffers in textures , buffers viewer. p.s: gdebugger replaced codexl ( ). enjoy one...

c# - No performance gains with Parallel.ForEach and Regex? -

i have program color codes returned results set way depending on results are. due length of time takes color-code results (currently being done regex , + .selectioncolor), cut off color-coding @ 400 results. @ around number takes 20 seconds, max time of i'd consider reasonable. to try improve performance re-wrote regex part use parallel.foreach loop iterate through matchcollection , time same (18-19 seconds vs 20)! not job lends parallel programming well? should try different? advice welcome. thanks! ps: thought bit strange cpu utilization never went 14%, or without parallel.foreach. code matchcollection startmatches = regex.matches(temprtb.text, startpattern); object locker = new object(); system.threading.tasks.parallel.foreach(startmatches.cast<match>(), m => { int = 0; foreach (group g in m.groups) { if (i > 0 && < 5 && g.length > 0) { temprtb.invoke(new func<bool&

windows 7 - Java process.waitFor() does not return -

on windows 7 64 bit, running 64 bit java 1.7.0_17 , p.waitfor() shown below never returns. string move_command="cmd.exe /c xcopy /y /e "+x86_release+" "+path+"\\"; process p; p = runtime.getruntime().exec(move_command); p.waitfor(); if use windows explorer, looks files copied (same number, same size, etc.) if below, waitfor() return: string move_command="cmd.exe /c move /y "+x86_release+" "+path+"\\"; process p; p = runtime.getruntime().exec(move_command); p.waitfor(); what different between xcopy , move keeps waitfor() returning, or on wrong track entirely? xcopy happens produce more output move , filling out-buffer , blocking until flushed. default behavior in java pipe subprocess's stdout/stderr inputstream s required read programmatically lest subprocess's buffers overflow. if latter case, solution simple, , in fact should anyway: use processbuilder prepare system call , call inherit

alignment - Aligning 2 small molecules in PyMOL -

i want align ligands in pymol 1 protein structures, error message: executivealign: mobile selection must derive 1 object only i copied ligands separate pdb files, renamed hetatm entries atom , still error. wondering why pymol has problems aligning small molecules. ps: ligands have similar structure, different coordinates. when align align function pymol seeds structural alignment doing sequence alignment first. you can use pair_fit function have specify corespondency between atoms. function takes 2 selections, 1 each element, have same number of atoms. if ligands have exact same chemical structure can pass objects directly, if not have make appropriate selections.

jquery - How to set up a dialog box by id -

first of written in smarty, please keep in mind coding styles. not choice, i'm forced work with. i modding nivo banner slider include clickabilty links. here problem. need pass slide variable on dialog box each slide. goal here have dialog box can have user update link each slide needed. pages looks this: here code: {literal} <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> function linkupload() { var id = $(this).attr("rel"); $("#link-upload").dialog(); alert($id); } </script> {/literal} {if $slides} <div class="ss_slides"> <ul class="ss_slides"> {foreach from=$slides item=slide} <li id="slide_{$slide.slideid}"> <table class="ss_slides">

uml - UMLet Diagrams like Use Case, Class, Activity, etc -

can please me find detailed tutorial on topics: uml behavior diagrams use case diagrams activity diagrams structure diagrams class diagram interaction diagrams sequence diagram communication diagram i'm newbie , want know ideas in using uml diagrams, there differences, , tools (like umlet) ideal novices me. first , let me discuss uml , use cases . uml graphical way of describing software systems. there 2 types of uml namely: uml sketching - here want communicate idea , go through different alternative approaches. it's not specific gives basic ideas. uml blueprint - detailed type of modeling in laid out , there definite time of completion. next uml development process. waterfall model - development process must follow analysis, design, coding, , testing process strictly. meaning can't coding without design, , on. must start analysis, design, coding , testing (adct) process. overlapping within processes not allowed. iterative (most

jquery - Passing Data Between PHP and Javascript -

what trying generate series of buttons php correspond names in mysql database. when user selects button display different text in overlay popup depending on button selected. i'm new php, jquery, etc. trying little simpler work (without database part). here code: <!doctype html> <html> <head> <title>title</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles/theme.css"> <script src="scripts/jquery-1.9.1.js"></script> <script src="scripts/jquery.popupoverlay.js"></script> </head> <body> <?php echo "<form name=\"idpass\" method=\"post\">"; echo "<div>"; echo "<button name=\"button\" id=\"button1\" value=\"one\" class=\"one_open\" onchange=\"this.form.submit();\">user 1</button>"; echo "<button name=\"button\"

Can't access Webadmin in Neo4j Embedded -

i'm following guide on this page, , gets server , running, webadmin doesn't work. , being newbie neo4j, webadmin useful me. when trying access webadmin, 404 not found error. , doesn't seem logs telling me wrong. may 14, 2013 11:41:33 org.neo4j.server.logging.logger log info: setting startup timeout to: 120000ms based on -1 may 14, 2013 11:41:33 org.neo4j.server.logging.logger log info: starting neo server on port [7474] [40] threads available may 14, 2013 11:41:34 org.neo4j.server.logging.logger log info: mounted discovery module @ [/] may 14, 2013 11:41:34 org.neo4j.server.logging.logger log info: loaded server plugin "cypherplugin" may 14, 2013 11:41:34 org.neo4j.server.logging.logger log info: mounted rest api @ [/db/data] may 14, 2013 11:41:34 org.neo4j.server.logging.logger log info: mounted management api @ [/db/manage] may 14, 2013 11:41:34 org.neo4j.server.logging.logger log info: mounted webadmin @ [/webadmin] 11:41:34.598 [main] info org.mortbay.

algorithm - A* Admissible Heuristic for die rolling on grid -

i need finding heuristic following problem: you given r -by- c grid , six-sided die. let start , end 2 distinct cells on grid. find path start end such sum of faces of die looking up, die turning along path, minimal. the starting orientation of die following (the "2" facing south): the way modeled problem considering value of die's face cost of edge in graph. graph's vertices of form (row, col, die) (i.e, position in grid , current state/orientation of die). reason vertex not (row, col) because can end on same cell multiple configurations/orientations of die. i used a* find solution problem; answers given correct, not efficient enough. i've determined problem heuristic i'm using. i'm using manhattan distance, admissible. if multiply heuristic constant, it's no longer admissible: runs faster doesn't find right answer. i need in finding better heuristic manhattan distance. here's algorithm appl

WPF Binding : accessing subproperties of bound object -

i have control property named item of type x , item has property named tag of type y , , tag has other properties ( caption , location ,...). i've written control template control, , need access tag 's properties ( caption , location ,...etc) i've used binding relativesource templatedparent , , path i've tried use path=item.tag.caption follows : <controltemplate targettype="y:mycontrol"> <rectangle> <rectangle.fill> <solidcolorbrush color="{binding relativesource={relativesource templatedparent}, path=item.tag.caption}" /> </rectangle.fill> </rectangle> </controltemplate> but getting following error : tag property not found ' object ' because data item null , getting no results. the solution perform cast in path variable before accessing properties follows : path=item.(mynamespace:x.tag).(mynamespace:y

javascript - XUL Richlistbox selection issue -

i have richlistbox on firefox extension follows: <richlistbox id="acclist" class="acclist" seltype="single" flex="1"> <richlistitem id ="acclisttemplate" hidden="true"> <listcell class="sessionactivate"/> <listcell class="nameitem"/> <listcell class="lastuseditem"/> <spacer flex="1" /> <listcell class="sessiondelete" /> <listcell class="sessioncomplete" /> <listcell class="sessiondetails" /> </richlistitem> </richlistbox> through javascript clone richlistitem , add richlistbox values want. the result is: the items appear selected , not able change selection. another weird thing is, if click on 1 of lines , do: alert(document.getelementbyid("acclist").selectedcount); it says 0. am missing here?

javascript - FillColor on Highcharts working differently -

what i'm trying fill individual symbols color based on how it's performing against it's goal. used work, reason no longer is. i've tried figure out issue is, couldn't figure out: var seriescolor = "#000"; preprocessdata = function (divid, data, last, goal) { var ndata = []; var symbol = "diamond"; var radius = 5; var colorgood = '#348017'; var colorbad = '#e42217'; var coloruse; (var = 0; < data.length; i++) { if (data[i] <= goal[i]) { coloruse = colorgood; } else if (data[i] > goal[1] * 1.17) { coloruse = colorbad; } else { coloruse = '#ffe303'; } if((divid == "webservitrun" || divid == "isoservicesrun") && == 9 ){ symbol = "circle"; radius = 10; } else if((divid == "webservitrun" || divid == "isoservicesrun") &