iphone - Common practice to follow while creating Xib files for Universal apps after iPhone5 release -

the common practice followed earlier during creating xib files universal applications follows:

i create xib file both iphone , ipad. name them xibfile.xib , xibfile~ipad.xib. iphone 4/4s , ipad3 used retina images, ever required. covered ui designs. , clients needed iphone5 screens in letterbox mode. did not use default-568h@2x.png. life going smooth @ end. when apple decided stop supporting letterbox mode since may 1(read article), needed xib level changes iphone5 screens also. used auto resizing in xib file, , used vertical expansion screens, , solved of issues. please advice me best practice in doing xib file creation, providing support iphone5/4/4s , ipad.

1.) design iphone5, 4" screens , use auto resizing iphone 4/4s. not compromise in clarity of images use.

2.) create 2 different xib files iphone. 1 4" iphone5 , other normal iphone4/4s screens.

please advice best practice. please let me know, if there other way.

you need create multiple xibs if lay out fundamentally different different devices.

if can reuse same xib both iphone 4 , 5 appropraite autoresizing behaviour, so.


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