javascript - Overlapping Y Axis in a Multi y axis Highchart -

i trying add multiple yaxis highstock. plotting works fine axis labels overlapping & overall giving clumsy look. here snapshot of it! highchart multi-y

i have used this example creating multi y chart.

can help?

these formatting options using currently

var options = {}; options.xaxis = {         labels : {             enabled : true         }      };     options.title = {         text : "highchart",         style: {             fontsize: '14px',             fontweight: '800'         }     };     options.subtitle = {         text : ""     };     options.chart = {          bordercolor : '#bbbbbb',         borderwidth : 0,         borderradius : 20,         zoomtype : 'xy'     }; //  options.yaxis={min:0};     options.yaxis=[{ // transaction count_url         labels: {             formatter: function() {                 var value= this.value;                  if(value>=1000000000)                     ret = (value / 1000000000) + 'g'                 else if(value>=1000000)                     ret = (value / 1000000) + 'm';                 else if(value>=1000)                     ret = (value / 1000) + 'k';                 else                     ret=value;                  return ret;             },             style: {                 color: '#89a54e'             }         },         title: {             text: 'memory used',             style: {                 color: '#89a54e'             }         },         opposite: true      }, { // transaction count_exec         gridlinewidth: 0,         title: {             text: 'gc count',             style: {                 color: '#4572a7'             }         },         labels: {             formatter: function() {                 return this.value;             },             style: {                 color: '#4572a7'             }         }      }, { // tertiary yaxis         gridlinewidth: 0,         title: {             text: 'tps',             style: {                 color: '#aa4643'             }         },         labels: {             formatter: function() {                 return this.value;             },             style: {                 color: '#aa4643'             }         },         opposite: true     }],      options.navigator=     {         enabled: false     };      options.credits = {         enabled : false     };      options.xaxis = {         type : 'datetime'     };     options.series = [];        options.rangeselector = {         enabled : false     };     options.series=[];      options.tooltip = {         shared : false,         snap : 0      };     options.scrollbar = {         enabled : false     };     options.navigation = {         buttonoptions : {             enabled : false         }     }; 

you can set offset parametr yaxis


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