android - to resolve host “URL”: No address associated with hostname) -

i developing app testing webservice in android.for simple webservice adding 2 numbers used.where numbers passed parameters.the result in dialogue.the webserver works in local. when application runs following result exception.i provided internet permission in manifest. resolve host “”: no address associated hostname)

my code given below

main activity

    public static string rslt="";    /** called when activity first created. */     @override     public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {         super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);         setcontentview(r.layout.activity_main);         button b1=(button)findviewbyid(;         final  alertdialog ad=new alertdialog.builder(this).create();          b1.setonclicklistener(new onclicklistener() {              @override public void onclick(view arg0) {             // todo auto-generated method stub               try             {                  edittext ed1=(edittext)findviewbyid(;                 edittext ed2=(edittext)findviewbyid(;                  int a=integer.parseint(ed1.gettext().tostring());                 int b=integer.parseint(ed2.gettext().tostring());                 rslt="start";                 caller c=new caller();                 c.a=a;                 c.b=b; //      ;                 c.join();                 c.start();                 while(rslt=="start") {                     try {                         thread.sleep(10);                      }catch(exception ex) {                     }                 }                 ad.settitle("result of add of "+a+" , "+b);                 ad.setmessage(rslt);              }catch(exception ex) {                 ad.settitle("error!"); ad.setmessage(ex.tostring());             }   ;          } });     } }

public class caller extends thread {     public callsoap cs;     public int a, b;      public void run() {         try {             cs = new callsoap();             string resp =, b);             mainactivity.rslt = resp;         } catch (exception ex) {             mainactivity.rslt = ex.tostring();         }     } }

public class callsoap  { public final string soap_action = "";  public  final string operation_name = "add";   public  final string wsdl_target_namespace = "";  public  final string soap_address = "url"; public callsoap()  {  } public string call(int a,int b) { soapobject request = new soapobject(wsdl_target_namespace,operation_name); propertyinfo pi=new propertyinfo(); pi.setname("a");         pi.setvalue(a);         pi.settype(integer.class);         request.addproperty(pi);         pi=new propertyinfo();         pi.setname("b");         pi.setvalue(b);         pi.settype(integer.class);         request.addproperty(pi);  soapserializationenvelope envelope = new soapserializationenvelope( soapenvelope.ver11); envelope.dotnet = true;  envelope.setoutputsoapobject(request);  httptransportse httptransport = new httptransportse(soap_address); object response=null; try {, envelope); response = envelope.getresponse(); } catch (exception exception) { response=exception.tostring(); } return response.tostring(); } 

please me.thanks in advance.

i think testing in emulator. since service in real server, prefer using real device. also, using emulator ok. emulator shows weird behavior real web services. try using different emulator, preferably newly created one.


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