jsp - how to precompile .jspf files with jasper2 in ant -
.jspf files "java server fragments" -- jsp intended inclusion () in other .jsp files.
precompiling .jsp files handy because exposes syntax errors, missing imports, java code errors, etc. @ build time rather run time. we've struggled typos in .jsp not showing until view page. i'm putting automatic task ant precompile jsp files. (see http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-7.0-doc/jasper-howto.html#web_application_compilation).
tomcat's jsp compiler jasper2 has built in assumption jsp files have '.jsp' file extension. goes against current recommendations use .jspf file extensions when appropriate.
the question: how code ant task invoke jasper2 (aka jspc) precompile .jsp files, including .jspf files?
-- answer
(see discussion below correction other answers related this)
use ant helper tasks build textual list of .jspf files compile , pass jasper2 task in jspfiles attribute. follows:
<target name="precompilejsp"> <taskdef name="jasper2" classname="org.apache.jasper.jspc"> <classpath refid="compile.classpath"/> </taskdef> <!-- guts of solution --> <!-- jasper2 refuses precompile .jspf unless list them specifically. boo hoo. --> <fileset id="jspffiles" dir="${appdir.build}"> <include name="**/*.jspf"/> <include name="**/*.jsp"/> </fileset> <!-- turns set textual comma-separated list --> <pathconvert targetos="unix" pathsep="," property="app.jspflist" refid="jspffiles"/> <!-- echo message="jspf files are: ${app.jspflist}"/ --> <!-- precompilation invoking jasper2 --> <jasper2 validatexml="false" uriroot="${appdir.build}" jspfiles="${app.jspflist}" webxmlfragment="${precompile_tmp_dir}/generated_web.xml" outputdir="${precompile_tmp_dir}"> </jasper2> <!-- compile .java sources generate error messages. --> <mkdir dir="${precompile_tmp_dir}/web-inf/classes"/> <javac srcdir="${precompile_tmp_dir}" destdir="${precompile_tmp_dir}/web-inf/classes" debug="${compile.debug}" deprecation="${compile.deprecation}" optimize="${compile.optimize}" includeantruntime="false"> <classpath refid="compile.classpath"/> </javac> </target>
--- discussion
it has been stated in referenced what .jspf file extension? how compile it? (and elsewhere on web) .jspf files not compiled on own, , textually included via <jsp:include>
references other files. claim , reasoning wrong. tomcat jasper .jsp compiler in fact compile .jspf stand-alone during normal display-time processing of .jsp , related .jspf files. can trivially seen inspecting /usr/share/tomcat/work/catalina/localhost/org/youdomain/yourpath/includefile_jspf.java. .java file generated stand-alone code .jspf file. bottom line <jsp:include>
not work c's #include(), rather includes @ runtime output of jspf file in output of including-file, rather including source of jspf file source of .jsp file c have.
the claim in referenced answer web-inf/somejsp.jsp files cannot viewed end users false. common put .jsp files in web-inf , reference them in servlet code gateways mapped in web.xml or other servlet request forwarding mechanisms:
requestdispatcher dispatcher = servctxthis.getrequestdispatcher( "/web-inf/jsp/thewholepage.jsp" );
dispatcher.forward(request, response);
so, specific, .jsp files in /web-inf cannot directly viewed end users, can forwarded-to servlet or other jsp file, , comprise entire web response -- <html> ... </html>
. (.jspf, on other hand, contain snippet or fragment of html response --- <div>header-content</div>
, example.
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