jquery - open a specific class with mouseenter on a zoomed image gallery? -

i have image gallery when hover open bar below image download options. in inico managed do, see code - http://goo.gl/fhbc6

more have problem not know solution: how activate slidedown function in li selected?

how can fix this?

you need use this select element mouse on it.
change code this: jsfiddle live demo

$('.photos-list').on('mouseenter', 'li', function(){     $(this).find('.opendiv').slidedown(); }); $('.opendiv').on('mouseleave', function(){     $('.opendiv').slideup(); }); 

but think it's better use hover() : jsfiddle live demo (hover)

$('.photos-list li').hover(function(){     $(this).find('.opendiv').slidedown();                                       },function(){     $('.opendiv').slideup();                      }); 


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