android - How to customize style of AlertDialog across all versions? -

i try make custom style alert dialog work acros 2.2 4.2 versions. best approach found use

alertdialog.builder builder = new alertdialog.builder(new contextthemewrapper(this,; 

however available api 11 not work on versions older that. suggest painless way implement alert dialog custom style? thanks.

you can use android-support-v4.jar (you can read library here)

add library in libs folder , add build path

now, creating dialog,

now convert extends activity fragmentactivity (it takes nothing, sub class of activity)

now have create static inside activity :

public static class reportnamefragment extends dialogfragment {      @override     public dialog oncreatedialog(bundle savedinstancestate) {         alertdialog.builder builder = new alertdialog.builder(getactivity());         builder.settitle(r.string.enter_report_name);          layoutinflater inflater = getactivity().getlayoutinflater();         view view = inflater.inflate(r.layout.enter_report_dialog, null);         final edittext reportname = (edittext) view                 .findviewbyid(;         builder.setview(view)                 // add action buttons                 .setpositivebutton(,                         new dialoginterface.onclicklistener() {                             @override                             public void onclick(dialoginterface dialog,                                     int id) {                                 //positive button task                              }                         })                 .setnegativebutton(r.string.cancel,                         new dialoginterface.onclicklistener() {                             public void onclick(dialoginterface dialog,                                     int id) {                                 reportnamefragment.this.getdialog()                                         .cancel();                             }                         });         return builder.create();     } } 

and call dialog anywhere in activity writing :

dialogfragment reportnamefragment = new reportnamefragment();   ,                     "reportnametypepicker"); 

if want read more dialogs, can go here...


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