python - How to add more eggs from the command line? -

my buildout.cfg looks :

[eggs]    recipe = zc.recipe.egg    eggs =   package1   package2 

i able add more eggs on command line when run buildout. works 1 egg with:

bin/buildout eggs:eggs+=package3

but did not find syntax add more 1 package. none of these working:

bin/buildout eggs:eggs+=package3 eggs:eggs+=package4

bin/buildout "eggs:eggs+=package3 package4"

bin/buildout "eggs:eggs+=package3:package4"

with variations of : , ; , \n seprator.

buildout takes newlines separators when merging += , -= options. you'll have insert newlines.

bash lets insert newlines on command line within quoted strings:

$ bin/buildout "eggs:eggs+=package3 > package4 > " 

you press enter after package3 , can insert newlines, until enter closing " quote.


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