mysql - How to retrieve a specific data from database in ASP and put that data in a variable -

problem: have database called admin has id, username , password column. need put id in variable called dim id specific username.

if run query:

adors.source = "select * admin username= '"& username &"' , password ='"& password &"' " 

i particular row in database , particular id. so, problem how retrieve id above query , put in declared variable called id

one particular solution using while loop shown below:

   col1 = adors.fields("id")   id = col1   adors.movenext loop while not adors.eof 

since have 1 piece of data in col1 variable, nicer if skip do while process. question how retrieve data , put data in id variable without using while loop statement.

when using ado recordset, if want value, can grab value.

id = adors.fields("id").value 

if admin table going have more 1 row same username , password, have problems elsewhere, want either send whatever you're doing id off method, or load of id's array.

if there more handful, getrows method may useful well.

(and, really, shouldn't select * if want id. select id admin should work fine. , sanitize user , password when build sql string. consider using command object. , don't store password, store hash of password. , eat vegetables.)


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