logging - Logstash parsing different action with different logs -

i using logstash parse logs.

now want handle logs match particular regex differently , dont differently.

is achievable logstash.

how go it?

my configuration file is:

input { stdin {     type => "stdin-type"   } } filter {    grok {     type => "stdin-type"     patterns_dir=>["./patterns"]     pattern => "%{parse_error}"     add_tag=>"%{type1},%{type2},%{slave},err_system"   } date { replace=>["%{ts}","yyyy/mm/dd-hh:mm:ss.sss"] custom_timestamp=>[%{ts}] }  mutate {     type=>"stdin-type"     replace => ["@message", "%{message}" ]  }   } output {   stdout { debug => true debug_format => "json"}   elasticsearch {  } } 

say dont want put logs in elastic search not match regex. possible? how?

yes, can conditionals either in filter{} section or output{} section:

filter {     if [field] == "value" {         drop{}     } } 


output {      if [field] != "value" {          elasticsearch {               ...          }      } } 


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