eclipse - ANT build: [signjar] enter passphrase for keystore: -

i have created project in eclipse , while trying build project command prompt following asked:

[signjar] jarsigner error: java.lang.runtimeexception: keystore load: c:\documents , settings\gopakumar\.keystore (the system cannot find file specified)   [signjar] enter passphrase keystore: build failed d:\score\build.xml:556: following error occurred while executing line: d:\score\build.xml:147: jarsigner returned: 1 

i have created keystore file using keytool in project directory, build.xml resides.

but doesn't prompt passphrase?

try it: make storefile "keytool" command:

keytool -genkey -keystore yourkeystorefileatpojectdirectory -storepass yourpassstorestring -keyalg rsa -alias yourkeystring -keypass yourpasskeystring -validity 99999  -storepass yourpassstorestring -dname "cn=xxyyzz, o=xxyyzz, l=yourcity, s=yourstate, c=yourcountry" 

and put signjar block below in build.xml:

<signjar destdir="signed"    alias="yourkeystring"    keypass="yourpasskeystring"   keystore="yourkeystorefileatpojectdirectory"   storepass="yourpassstorestring"   digestalg="sha1"   sigalg="md5withrsa" > 


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