python - How can I retrieve a distinct list of objects for each pair of django users? -

i have private user user messaging model. (photographer foreignkey django user)

class message(models.model):      sender = models.foreignkey(photographer)      recipient = models.foreignkey(photographer, related_name= 'messagedby', blank=true)      posttime = models.datetimefield(auto_now_add=true, null=true, blank =true)      message = models.charfield(max_length=500)       def __unicode__(self):           return self.message 

as can see, each message has sender , recipient. both sender , recipient can view same message.

i need retrieve distinct list of latest messages each pair of users.

currently can retrieve distinct pairs returning more results want:

queryset = message.objects.all().distinct('sender', 'recipient') 

there multiple messages coming through same pairs of users. example,

john sender , jane recipient.

in returned message,

jane sender , john recipient.

from this, want 1 of these 2 messages latest one. how can accomplish this?

you're looking .distinct()



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