c++ - Rcpp error with sugar all() line -

i've written code r rcpp , c++ try , become more familiar it:

#include <rcpp.h> #include <vector>  using namespace rcpp;  // [[rcpp::export]] charactermatrix reduce_sequences(charactermatrix completedna) {   std::vector<int> informativesites;    for(int = 0; < completedna.ncol(); i++)   {     charactervector bpsite(completedna.nrow());     for(int n = 0; n < completedna.nrow(); n++)     {       bpsite[n] = completedna(n,i);      }     if(any(bpsite != bpsite[0]).is_true()) informativesites.push_back(i);   }   charactermatrix cutdna(3, informativesites.size());   for(int = 0; < informativesites.size(); i++)   {     for(int n = 0; n < cutdna.nrow(); n++)     {       cutdna(n,i) = completedna(n,informativesites[i]);     }   }   return cutdna; } 

but comple error not source file, comparator_with_one_value.h:

i won't pretend understand these errors because i'm still in c++ infancy, commenting out code suitably , finding causes it, line 17:

if(any(bpsite != bpsite[0]).is_true()) informativesites.push_back(i); 

i think has me using any(). i'm doing wrong?

edit: changed lines reflect issues above resolved except two: console output:

error in rcpp::sourcecpp("reduceseq.cpp") :    error 1 occurred building shared library. 

issues returned comparator_with_one_value.h operands ?: have different types 'sexprec*' , 'int' , invalid conversion 'sexprec* const' 'int'

thanks, ben.

we prevent on purpose because of 3 values logical in r: true, false, na. should able use is_true :

if(any(bpsite != bpsite[0]).is_true()) informativesites.push_back(i); 


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