ios - How to change a label on one UIView from another UIView -

within iphone app have 2 uicontrols viewcontroller.h , selectionscreen.h.

the selectionscreen set so

@interface selectionscreen : viewcontroller{ 

i trying change label placed in main viewcontroller, selectionscreen

so far have within selectionscreen.m (persontotal1.text label in other uicontrol)

- (ibaction)change:(id)sender{     int x=123;     nsstring *y =[nsstring stringwithformat:@"%i",x];     persontotal1.text=y;     nslog(@"%@",persontotal1.text); } 

when nslog check if value has changed returns null, how can make interactions(such button press) within selectionscreen change label text in screen.

in view controller:

did set persontotal1 ivar property? setting ivar not enough:

uilabel *persontotal1; 

you need set property , synthesize getters , setters so:

@property(nonatomic, retain) uilabel *persontotal1; 

if using arc so:

@property(nonatomic, strong) uilabel *persontotal1; 

then sure synthesize label. import viewcontroller.h selectionscreen file. there can access uilabel properties. hope helps, if not let me know , can clarify.


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