What can i use instead of Array in javascript? -

i have script auto populate form (3 fields) , work wanted (previously), now, when have 2000 inputs, can not handle anymore. want is, make auto populate script can add more information later, new inputs, now, need start changing numbers each input, believe you'll understand batter through code:


var ids = new array(); var use = new array(); var ful = new array();  ids[0] = ""; use[0] = ""; ful[0] = "";  ids[1] = "test1"; use[1] = "test2"; ful[1] = "test3";   ids[2] = "test1"; use[2] = "test"; ful[2] = "test3";  ids[3] = "test1"; use[3] = "test2"; ful[3] = "test3";  ids[4] = "test1"; use[4] = "test2"; ful[4] = "test3";  function choice() { //x = document.getelementbyid("users"); y = document.getelementbyid("selectusers"); //x.value = y.options[y.selectedindex].text; document.getelementbyid("ids").value = ids[y.selectedindex]; document.getelementbyid("use").value = use[y.selectedindex]; document.getelementbyid("ful").value = ful[y.selectedindex]; } 


<select id="selectusers" class=" outtahere" name="users" onchange='choice();'><option     value="0" selected="selected">choose...</option> <option value="1">test1</option> <option value="2">test2</option> <option value="3">test3</option> <option value="4">test4</option> 

the problem in, if try add new option value on 2nd position, value 5, need change javascript order again, 1,2,3,4,5, i'm wondering, if i'm able make javascript , make work:

<option value="1">test1</option> <option value="2">test2</option> <option value="4">test4</option> <option value="3">test3</option>   ids[2] = "test1"; use[2] = "test"; ful[2] = "test3";  ids[4] = "test1"; use[4] = "test2"; ful[4] = "test3";  ids[3] = "test1"; use[3] = "test2"; ful[3] = "test3"; 

please note difference in 3 , 4 ids.

what's best option can use?


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