How to Get All Memory Path (Internal or External Memory) list in android -

i'm facing problem detect memory path in android device. if try provide tips , example aren't able getting proper external memory path.

for example :

if try external memory in samsung tab 2 used code ::


it provide internal mounted memory path. //storage/sdcard0/

after lot of googling found 1 application show path of device

application name "es explorer" application showing path of memory.

please provide solution can fix our problem

beyond types of storage volumes supported standard android sdk wide variety of vendor- , version- unique possibilities.

you can find mounted filesystems reading /proc/mounts text file.


  • this find filesystems mounted - example, not find usb storage volumes if handled arbitrary usb accessories application, rather mounted linux operating system underlying android.

  • you have apply logic filter out other various file systems not general storage devices , show in list. used detect "external" storage volumes looking "vfat" type, no longer used in recent android versions

  • especially in recent android versions, actual path of mount discovered /proc/mounts , path customarily used may not match, customary path may redirect actual 1 multiple levels of symbolic links


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