javascript - FancyBox: one function only taken into account -

jquery(document).ready(function () {     jquery(".fancybox").fancybox({         helpers: {             title: {                 type: 'float'             }         },         beforeshow: function () {             this.title = '<div>' + jquery(this.element).next('div').html() + '</div>';         }     });      jquery("a.fancybox").fancybox({         tpl: {             next: '<a title="avanti" class="fancybox-nav fancybox-next"><span></span></a>',             prev: '<a title="indietro" class="fancybox-nav fancybox-prev"><span></span></a>'         }     }); }); 

the first part (.fancybox) "ignored", second (a.fancybox) taken account. if remove second, first taken account. -_-

you can see code i'm talking here: unfortunately because it's live site left first part , removed tpl one..


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