jsfiddle - js fiddle images and animation not working -

i new jsfiddle cannot figure out why images , animation menu not displayed there.the animations done through jquery. supposed add through "external resources" tab? link jsfiddle


i creating website here. jquery code is:

function mainmenu() {  $("#bav .inner ul ul").css({     display: "none" }); // opera fix $("#bav .inner ul li").hover(function () {     $(this).find('ul:first').css({         visibility: "visible",         display: "none"     }).slidedown(400, 'backout'); }, function () {     $(this).find('ul:first').css({         visibility: "hidden"     }); }); } $(document).ready(function () { mainmenu(); });  $(document).ready(function () { $(".not li ").hover(function () {     $('.not li').not(this).stop().animate({         opacity: 0.4     }, 400); }, function () {     $('.not li').not(this).stop().animate({         opacity: 1     }, 400); });  $(".vision ").click(function () {      $("#rightcolumn ").html(" < div id = "     rightcol_h1 " > vision < /div>"); }); $(".mission").click(function () {     $("#rightcolumn").html("hi <b>there!</b > "); }); }); cufon.replace('.not li a', { textshadow: 'black 1px 1px', hover: 'true' }); 


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