Android library projects and custom xml attributes -

i'm using 2 libraries in projects: holoeverywhere , google maps v2. works fine except when try use libraries custom xml-attributes. since adt r17 no longer have use package name define namespace, instead use "". res-auto automatically substituted package name. example if want configure initial state of google map fragment in xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <fragment xmlns:android="" xmlns:map="" android:id="@+id/map" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" class="" map:uicompass="true" map:maptype= "normal" map:uirotategestures="true" map:uiscrollgestures="true" map:uitiltgestures="true" map:uizoomcontrols="true" map:uizoomgestures="true"/> 

i keep getting error: no resource identifier found attribute 'map' in package ‘res-auto’ same thing happens when use xmlns:holo="" cannot access custom xml attributes of namepsace! know can create map fragment programatically want find solution this. missing? i'm targeting apis 10-17!

any appreciated. thanks.

at least maps v2, running this bug in eclipse tools.


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