sql - How can I wait for an SSIS package to complete -

i have sql agent job. first step in job run ssis package loads data .txt file sql table. next steps in job manipulate data loaded table until refreshing table in excel results. problem having seems job not wait ssis package complete before moving on step 2 of job, works fine, , starts data manipulation before data loaded table , gives incorrect results. how can job wait ssis package complete before moving on?

are running in sql server 2012? there specific parameter catalog packages called synchronized which, if set false, considers package execution step successful package starts.

to see various commands being executed job, run query on server running jobs:

select step_id, step_name, subsystem, command msdb.dbo.sysjobsteps js inner join msdb.dbo.sysjobs j on j.job_id = js.job_id j.name = <your job name here> order step_id 

if don't see

/par "\"$serveroption::synchronized(boolean)\"";true 

in command field, means it's running asynchronously , next step start package begins execution.

the way know fix either modify command field job step in dbo.sysjobsteps table directly, use sp_update_jobstep stored procedure, or drop , re-add step gui.


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