Update Complex Fields Using Jira Rest Client 1.1-m02 -

hello i'm trying update complex fields such issue type or status using jira rest client library java , i'm having trouble. i've got far:

issue issue = client.getissueclient().getissue(issuekey, null); client.getissueclient().update(         issue,         immutablelist.of(new fieldinput(issuefieldid.issue_type_field,                         issue.getissuetype())), null); 

as can see i'm trying update issue type using it's own type (just test it), exception:

exception in thread "main" com.atlassian.jira.rest.client.restclientexception: org.codehaus.jettison.json.jsonexception: cannot generate value - unknown type me: class com.atlassian.jira.rest.client.domain.basicissuetype 

am missing something, there documentation library missed?

i managed achieve trying do:

issue issue = client.getissueclient().getissue(issuekey, null); client.getissueclient().update(     issue,     immutablelist.of(new fieldinput(issuefieldid.issue_type_field,                     complexissueinputfieldvalue.with("id", id))), null); 

this change type of issue, hope else encounters problem.


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