http - Unable to set " Force SPDY Over SSL " to false in chrome -

i new spdy , have worked on http prior this. know can see details of spdy on chrome using chrome://net-internals/#events&q=type:spdy_session%20is:active url. running test cases, trying disable option force ssl on spdy.


spdy enabled: true use alternate protocol: true force spdy always: false force spdy on ssl: true next protocols: http/1.1,spdy/2,spdy/3 

want change " force spdy on ssl " false. when start chrome command line --use-spdy=no-ssl argument, still shows " force spdy on ssl" true.

kindly guide me going wrong.

thanks in advance. :)

you asked question long time ago hoping have figured out. in case not, using version 30.0.1599.101 m of chrome on windows , using following command line works:

chrome --use-spdy=no-ssl 

don't forget disable ssl on server well. apache instructions disable ssl on apache click here.


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