haskell - Please provide a simple test-framework example that uses QuickCheck2 -

i'm struggling little basic test-framework example work quickcheck2. following error mentioned on above page, due example's use of quickcheck 1. assume using quickcheck2 preferred, how use test-framework?


no instance (quickcheck-     (gen prop)) 

thanks in advance.

if import test.framework.providers.quickcheck2, following error:

del-me.hs:41:17:     no instance (quickcheck-                        (gen prop))       arising use of `testproperty'     possible fix:       add instance declaration       (quickcheck- (gen prop))     in expression: testproperty "sort2" prop_sort2     in second argument of `testgroup', namely       `[testproperty "sort1" prop_sort1, testproperty "sort2" prop_sort2,         testproperty "sort3" prop_sort3]'     in expression:       testgroup         "sorting group 1"         [testproperty "sort1" prop_sort1, testproperty "sort2" prop_sort2,          testproperty "sort3" prop_sort3] 

import test.framework.providers.quickcheck2 test-framework-quickcheck2 package, instead of test.framework.providers.quickcheck test-framework-quickcheck package.


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