java - CloudBees XML Config vs Command-Line Tool -

i see cloudbees allows apps deployed cloudbees-web.xml descriptor, on page in developer docs that describes descriptor, says:

the cloudbees-web.xml considered "legacy" - not deprecated (yet) - , don't have plan rid of - less preferred way manage environment settings.

this prompts 2 questions:

  1. is cloudbees-web.xml only cloudbees-specific config file apps can deploy with, or there others? if so, , documentation? (for instance, gae allows deploy apps cron.xml, dos.xml, queues.xml, etc...).
  2. can cloudbees sdk accomplish everything (via configuration parameters) cloudbees-web.xml does, or there functionality cloudbees-web.xml can do?

thanks in advance!

cloudbees-web.xml indeed legacy configuration mechanism, , superseded resources binding , configuration parameters cloudbees-web.xml features available using sdk, later offer far more options cloudbees-web.xml.

cloudbees don't uses other vendor specific descriptor. try keep platform rely on javaee api , de-facto standards.


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