css - Google Chrome does not resize content when toggling overflow property -

i have div#pane element overflow:hidden in regular state, overflow: auto in 'hover' state. inside div there div.content element.

when div#pane gets hovered, div.content resized accommodate vertical scrollbar. however, when mouse pointer leaves div#pane, div.content not change width, though scrollbar no longer visible.

this behavior manifests in chrome, firefox handles ok.

jsfiddle play with

i've managed fix problem javascript, though feels black magic. if there css solution, i'd happy accept it.

/* force redraw of node */ $(".content").on("mouseleave", function () {    var el = $("<div></div>");    el.appendto(this);     settimeout(function () {         el.remove();     },1); }); 

jsfiddle solution


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