ajax - How will an RSVP form stay on the same section after submitting on a one page WordPress layout -

i have 1 page layout wordpress page , rsvp form @ bottom , rsvp form works fine.

the problem:

when try submit name of guest, page loads , brought @ topmost section of page instead of bottom part continue fill rsvp form. rsvp form has 2 parts, first name of guest , second, actual selection of rsvp options. after submitting, need scroll down @ bottom of page see if entered name correctly or if rsvp has been completed.

this rsvp form plugin wordpress: rsvp plugin

i want use rsvp form work on 1 page layout.

some solutions i'm thinking:

  1. ajax - think using ajax trick don't know how put ajax plugin , wordpress page. tried installing ajax plugins i'm not sure how work out.
  2. anchor tag - think if there anchor tag @ end of url, page force browser stay @ bottom of page rsvp section located. anchor tag should automatically there when scroll on every section of 1 page layout. how that?

i tried malsup's jquery form plugin don't know how work on it. whenever submit form, alert pops out.


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