qwebelement - Setting a value in a QTP webElement but it doesn't remain after leaving the page -

i have droplist qtp recognizing webelement. have found several ways set value in webelement once go page in app , return main page, value in webelement no longer there. i'm using...

browser("policy add").page("policy add").webtable("transaction effective").webelement("dbo").object.innertext= "cash refund"  set oedit = browser("policy add").page("policy add").webelement("dbo") oedit.object.innerhtml = "cash refund" 

i have seen several articles using fireevent, don't understand how works. set value in webelement 1 of above commands , fire , event or specify fire event , occurs automatically when 1 of options "onchange".

i have searched can think of , tried can think of , still have problem. have checked hp - qtp knowledge base , can't find there either.

answer here http://www.knowledgeinbox.com/articles/qtp/how-to/web/how-to-set-text-in-a-webelement-or-frame/

i checked method 2 chrome , works correct


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