fadein - CSS transition fade in only for element -

is there way fade in element using css transition property? never had need before haven't looked it, , can't seem find method of doing without resorting js. possible set transition have immediate return state?

there couple ways this, depending on when want fade in occur:


/***** fade in on page load *****/ .fadeinload {     border: 1px solid #48484a;     font-size: 40px;     animation: fadeinload 5s; } @keyframes fadeinload {     {         opacity:0;     }     {         opacity:1;     } }  /***** fade in child when parent hovered *****/ .fadein {     border: 1px solid #48484a;     font-size: 18px;     opacity:0;       -webkit-transition : 2s ease-out;     -moz-transition : 2s ease-out;     -o-transition : 2s ease-out;     transition : 2s ease-out; } .thistext:hover .fadein {     opacity: 1;  } 

note: fade in on page load need simple keyframe animation, not transition.


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