uibezierpath - Rounded bottom edge of UIView -
in app have subclassed uinavigationbar , titleview i'm setting(in view controller) custom uiview
[self.playbutton setbackgroundcolor:[uicolor yellowcolor]]; [self.navigationitem settitleview:self.playbutton];
the bottom edge of view (playbutton) should curved. not corners, bot whole bottom edge.to achieve effect i'm using code:
cashapelayer *masklayer = [cashapelayer layer]; uibezierpath *path = [[uibezierpath alloc] init]; [path addcurvetopoint:cgpointmake(self.playbutton.frame.size.width, self.playbutton.frame.size.height) controlpoint1:cgpointmake(0, self.playbutton.frame.size.height) controlpoint2:cgpointmake(self.playbutton.frame.size.width, 60)]; masklayer.path = path.cgpath; self.playbutton.layer.mask = masklayer;
but after code uiview (playbutton) dissapeared! proper way apply curved bottom edge of uiview?
it should looks this: http://i.imgur.com/51uiqse.png
-(void)roundcorners:(uirectcorner)corner radius:(float)radius { _cornerradius = radius; _corner = corner; [self setneedsdisplay]; } - (void)drawrect:(cgrect)rect { // drawing code [super drawrect:rect]; uibezierpath *maskpath = [uibezierpath bezierpathwithroundedrect:self.bounds byroundingcorners:_corner cornerradii:cgsizemake(_cornerradius, _cornerradius)]; cashapelayer *masklayer = [cashapelayer layer]; masklayer.frame = self.bounds; masklayer.path = maskpath.cgpath; self.layer.mask = masklayer; }
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