loops - looping not working javascript -

how can loop imm(imacros) script javascript

can me ?

macro +=  "url goto=http://test.com/" + "\n";  macro +=  "set !errorignore yes" + "\n";  macro +=  "set !timeout_page 10" + "\n";  macro +=  "set !extract null " + "\n";  macro +=  "wait seconds=1" + "\n";  macro +=  "tag pos={{i}} type=a attr=id:like-*" + "\n";  macro +=  "wait seconds=0.5" + "\n";  macro +=  "wait seconds=360" + "\n";  for(i=1;i<10;i++) { ret=iimset("i",i); ret=iimplay(macro); } 

var macro;      macro =  "code:";     macro +=  "url goto=http://test.com/" + "\n";      macro +=  "set !errorignore yes" + "\n";      macro +=  "set !timeout_page 10" + "\n";      macro +=  "set !extract null " + "\n";      macro +=  "wait seconds=1" + "\n";      macro +=  "tag pos={{i}} type=a attr=id:like-*" + "\n";      macro +=  "wait seconds=0.5" + "\n";      macro +=  "wait seconds=360" + "\n";      for(i=1;i<10;i++)     {     iimset("i",i);     ret=iimplay(macro);     } 

try now.

edit: corrected previous bug.


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