c# - Visual Studio: Debugging a referenced DLL, I have source in another SLN -

i trying debug project has reference dll added, dll stored in external directory , added reference. of course can debug project line calls method on other dll can't step it, i.e. f12.

one way able add project (dll) existing project solution , replace referenced dll use attached project rather file on disk.

but mess, sure there cleaner way?

i seem remember if copy pdb files or can't remember. , need open 2 copies of visual studio, 1 main project , 1 referenced dll??

rebuild second solution in debug mode on own machine (so file paths in pdb specific machine).

copy both .dll , .pdb files references folder. visual studio pick .pdb file automatically , use file paths show source.

you can use symbol server , source server achieve when referenced assembly built elsewhere: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/vstudio/ms241613.aspx


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