find and edit a txt file with a batch program -

i want edit txt file batch script. have looked online , tried adjust examples suit needs. have no programing skills , have not been able program work.

here problem. have txt file contains @ point in file:

subcase  mode  buckling eigenvalue   321043      1     2.124238e+00   321043      2     2.169874e+00   321043      3     2.628187e+00   321043      4     2.832127e+00   321043      5     2.968359e+00   321043      6     3.131774e+00 

i want change this:

r e l   e g e n v l u e s  subcase  mode  buckling eigenvalue   321043      1     2.630623e-01   321043      2     2.676471e-01   321043      3     2.982211e-01 

so add "r e l e g e n v l u e s" 2 lines before "subcase mode buckling eigenvalue", without deleting whats in lines before. i.e add 2 new lines in.

i have tried following, printed out first 8 lines new text file

@echo off  /f "tokens=* delims=" %%a in (le_panel_7_cut down_i.out) call :change "%%a" exit /b  :change set text=%~1 if "%text%"=="subcase  mode  buckling eigenvalue" ( (echo r e l   e g e n v l u e s &echo[ &echo[ &echo[subcase  mode  buckling eigenvalue)>> d:\fea\newfile.txt ) else ( (echo %text%)>> d:\fea\newfile.out ) exit /b 

i tried script looked this, didn't work either.

  @echo on         setlocal=enabledelayedexpansion            /f "delims=" %%a in (le_panel_7_cut_down_i.out) (             set foo=%%a             if !foo!=="subcase  mode  buckling eigenvalue" set foo=( echo r e l   e g e n v l u e s &echo[ &echo[ &echo[subcase  mode  buckling eigenvalue)       echo !foo! >> file3.txt)  

if correct script appreciated. regards iain

@echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion (  /f "delims=" %%z in (' type eigenfile.txt^|findstr /n /r "$" ') (   set "line=%%z"   set "line=!line:*:=!"   if "!line!"=="subcase  mode  buckling eigenvalue" (    echo(r e l   e g e n v l u e s    echo(   )   echo(!line!  ) )>outfile.txt  fc eigenfile.txt outfile.txt  goto :eof 

this should execute revised specification.

essentially, reproduces each line, including empty lines (the reason findstr /n , following set ...!..:*:=!" removes line-number prefixed findstr). when finds target line, first adds 2 lines specified.

note echo( has been proved best choice of various echo variants allow instance, empty variable, reproduced correctly.

i've assumed data in eigenfile.txt. batch produces outfile.txt - option rename - , fc show changes made.


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