android - how to save previous button state on next click item in Gallery -

i'm new in android .i'm working gallary.i know how save previous button state when click on next gallery item.i want make default button state off on images , when button state select image shoud safe when click on next one.when come on previous image shoud show saving button state .i tried compare image id , button selected image id.but that's not work .how this?thanks lot feature help.

 imageview = (imageview) findviewbyid(;     imageview.setimageresource(imgid[0]);     sportbutton = (button) findviewbyid(;      gallery = (gallery) findviewbyid(;     // creating addimgadapter     gallery.setadapter(new addimgadapter(this));          @override         public void onitemclick(adapterview<?> perent, view view,  int position, long id) {              // getting id position             setselected(position);             // deselect button on item click             onimageclick(view, position);             log.d(my_log, "img click");                         log.d(my_log, "img id" + position);          }      });  }  // deselect button on image click int itemposition = 1;  public void onimageclick(view button, int position) {     itemposition = position;     if (selectedposition != position) {          sportbutton.setselected(false);          log.d(my_log, "selected postion " + selectedposition + " = "                 + "item position" + position);      } else {         if (selectedposition == position) {             sportbutton.setselected(true);         }         log.d(my_log, "selected postion " + selectedposition + " = "                 + "item position " + position);     }  }  // getting id current item int selectedposition = -1;  private void setselected(int position) {      selectedposition = position;     imageview.setimageresource(imgid[selectedposition]);  }  public void onclickbutton(view button) {      if (button.isselected()) {          button.setselected(false);          log.d(my_log, "click off");     } else {         // on button click on select picture id         button.setselected(true);         if (selectedposition != -1) {             log.d(my_log, "selected position " + selectedposition);             //selectedimage(selectedposition);             //intent intent = new intent(sport.this, favorites.class);         }         log.d(my_log, "click on");      }  } 

one way save state of previous button make use of shared preferences in android . shared preferences allow key value pairs of data stored can later retrieved . there 1 of dataaccess mechanisms in android . others being sqllite database & files .

android documentation on share preference

video on shared preference

now coming problem again . once had save state of checkedbutton . later access again ( seems similar want )

    part 1 accessing share preference values :           public static final string prefs_file = "mypreferences";         public static final string prefs_name = "user_name";         public static final string prefs_choice = "user_choice";          sharedpreferences sp;          public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate)          {             super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);             setcontentview(r.layout.main);              chkchoice = (checkbox)findviewbyid(;             btnmain = (button)findviewbyid(;             btnmain.setonclicklistener(this);              // here access shared preference file .             sp = this.getsharedpreferences(prefs_file, mode_private);             // if have preference checkbox saved load else false(unchecked)              chkchoice.setchecked(sp.getboolean(prefs_choice, false));         }      part 2 setting share preference activity :      sp = this.getsharedpreferences(prefs_file, mode_private);     sharedpreferences.editor editor = sp.edit();      editor.putstring(prefs_name, txtname.gettext().tostring());     editor.putboolean(prefs_choice, chkchoice.ischecked());      editor.commit();      // close activity show data still saved     finish(); 

the above checkbox . have adapt kind of button information want save . hope gets started .


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