java - Not able to perform String Splitting -

i have string in not able find way out split ever necessary. below scenario.

i using java

string querystring = "string1=1&string2=2&string3=3&string31=31&string32=32....&string4=4"; 

i wanted output below

string1=1 string2=2 string3=3&string31=31&string32=32.... string4=4 

i tried querystring.split("&"); splits string3,strin31,string32...and on well.

please me out in this

if accept in way snippet it....

but feel not @ recommendable...

i'm want remain json... not suitable requirement.

my code here:

public static void main(string[] args) {     string querystring = "string1=1&string2=2&string3=3&string31=31&string32=32&string4=4";     int count = 1;     string queryparam = "";     try{         while(count == 1 || queryparam.length() > 0){             queryparam = querystring.substring(querystring.indexof("string" + count + "="),querystring.indexof("string" + ++count + "=")-1);             system.out.println(queryparam);         }     }catch(exception e){         queryparam = querystring.substring(querystring.indexof("string" + --count + "="));         system.out.println(queryparam);     } } 


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