testing - How to test AngularJS Directive with scrolling -

i have infinite scroll directive trying unit test. have this:

describe('infinite scroll', function(){   var $compile, $scope;    beforeeach(module('nag.infinitescroll'));    beforeeach(inject(function($injector) {     $scope = $injector.get('$rootscope');     $compile = $injector.get('$compile');      $scope.scrolled = false;     $scope.test = function() {       $scope.scrolled = true;     };   }));    var setupelement = function(scope) {     var element = $compile('<div><div id="test" style="height:50px; width: 50px;overflow: auto" nag-infinite-scroll="test()">a<br><br><br>c<br><br><br><br>e<br><br>v<br><br>f<br><br>g<br><br>m<br>f<br><br>y<br></div></div>')(scope);     scope.$digest();     return element;   }    it('should have proper initial structure', function() {     var element = setupelement($scope);      element.find('#test').scrolltop(10000);      expect($scope.scrolled).tobe(true);   }); }); 

however .scrolltop(10000); not seem trigger anything.

is there anyway unit test type of functionality (i able unit test other directives similar interactions clicking on elements)?

in case relative, infinite scroll code:

angular.module('nag.infinitescroll', []) .directive('naginfinitescroll', [   function() {     return function(scope, elm, attr) {       var raw = elm[0];        elm.bind('scroll', function() {         if (raw.scrolltop + raw.offsetheight >= raw.scrollheight) {           scope.$apply(attr.naginfinitescroll);         }       });     };   } ]); 

you have trigger scroll event on element manually in test:

element.find('#test').scrolltop(10000); element.find('#test').triggerhandler('scroll'); 


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