Uncaught TypeError when calling a Javascript Function in Android -

i android developer , new javascript. controlling webview activity using javascript. in login page when use java script functions getting huge errors. please guide me avoid these errors.


web.loadurl("javascript:document.getelementbyid(\"umail\").value = \""         + email + "\";"); web.loadurl("javascript:document.getelementbyid(\"password\").value = \""         + pwd + "\";"); web.loadurl("javascript:document.getelementbyid(\"confirmpassword\").value = \""         + confirm_pwd + "\";"); web.loadurl("javascript:func_register_step1('signin')");  web.loadurl("javascript:window.jsinterface.geterrormsg(document.getelementbyid('errormessagetd').innerhtml);"); web.loadurl("javascript:window.jsinterface.getwarningmsg(document.getelementbyid('warning_msg').innerhtml);"); 


05-15 11:52:28.310: e/web console(3722): uncaught typeerror: cannot set property 'value' of null @ null:1 05-15 11:52:28.310: e/web console(3722): uncaught typeerror: cannot set property 'value' of null @ null:1 05-15 11:52:28.310: e/web console(3722): uncaught typeerror: cannot set property 'value' of null @ null:1 05-15 11:52:28.310: e/web console(3722): uncaught referenceerror: func_register_step1 not defined @ null:1 05-15 11:52:28.310: e/web console(3722): uncaught typeerror: cannot read property 'innerhtml' of null @ null:1 05-15 11:52:28.310: e/web console(3722): uncaught typeerror: cannot read property 'innerhtml' of null @ null:1 05-15 11:52:31.240: e/web console(3722): uncaught typeerror: cannot set property 'value' of null @ null:1 05-15 11:52:31.240: e/web console(3722): uncaught typeerror: cannot set property 'value' of null @ null:1 05-15 11:52:31.240: e/web console(3722): uncaught typeerror: cannot set property 'value' of null @ null:1 05-15 11:52:31.240: e/web console(3722): uncaught referenceerror: func_register_step1 not defined @ null:1 05-15 11:52:31.250: e/web console(3722): uncaught typeerror: cannot read property 'innerhtml' of null @ null:1 05-15 11:52:31.250: e/web console(3722): uncaught typeerror: cannot read property 'innerhtml' of null @ null:1 05-15 11:52:33.590: e/web console(3722): uncaught typeerror: cannot set property 'value' of null @ null:1 05-15 11:52:33.590: e/web console(3722): uncaught typeerror: cannot set property 'value' of null @ null:1 05-15 11:52:33.590: e/web console(3722): uncaught typeerror: cannot set property 'value' of null @ null:1 05-15 11:52:33.590: e/web console(3722): uncaught referenceerror: func_register_step1 not defined @ null:1 05-15 11:52:33.600: e/web console(3722): uncaught typeerror: cannot read property 'innerhtml' of null @ null:1 05-15 11:52:33.600: e/web console(3722): uncaught typeerror: cannot read property 'innerhtml' of null @ null:1 05-15 11:52:40.260: e/web console(3722): uncaught typeerror: cannot set property 'value' of null @ null:1 05-15 11:52:40.270: e/web console(3722): uncaught typeerror: cannot set property 'value' of null @ null:1 05-15 11:52:40.270: e/web console(3722): uncaught typeerror: cannot set property 'value' of null @ null:1 05-15 11:52:40.270: e/web console(3722): uncaught referenceerror: func_register_step1 not defined @ null:1 05-15 11:52:40.270: e/web console(3722): uncaught typeerror: cannot read property 'innerhtml' of null @ null:1 05-15 11:52:40.270: e/web console(3722): uncaught typeerror: cannot read property 'innerhtml' of null @ null:1 05-15 11:52:41.290: e/web console(3722): uncaught typeerror: cannot set property 'value' of null @ null:1 05-15 11:52:41.290: e/web console(3722): uncaught typeerror: cannot set property 'value' of null @ null:1 05-15 11:52:41.290: e/web console(3722): uncaught typeerror: cannot set property 'value' of null @ null:1 05-15 11:52:41.290: e/web console(3722): uncaught referenceerror: func_register_step1 not defined @ null:1 05-15 11:52:41.290: e/web console(3722): uncaught typeerror: cannot read property 'innerhtml' of null @ null:1 05-15 11:52:41.290: e/web console(3722): uncaught typeerror: cannot read property 'innerhtml' of null @ null:1 

according thrown errors, seems document.getelementbyid(...) returns null. , applying .value , .innerhtml null throw errors.

i suspect page not loaded when call javascript function. when call javascript, mean in method? sure page loaded, can call loadurl in onpagefinished method of webviewclient object.


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