- Mouse click single cell of gridview, change backcolor and output cell position (col and row) to textbox -

i have gridview in webform , know how can select single cell anywhere in gridview using mouse click.

the selected cell's background colour changes specific colour , textbox on form displays row number , column number pass parameters stored procedure.

when subsequent cell selected last selected cell reverts it's original colour , new cell's background colour changed , textbox updates new cell's row number , column number.

the closest i've got far selecting whole row, affects first cell of row background-wise. underline affects cells in row.

protected overrides sub render(byval writer system.web.ui.htmltextwriter)     each row gridviewrow in gvprogressgrid.rows         if row.rowtype = datacontrolrowtype.datarow             row.attributes("onclick") = "'pointer';'; ='#eee'"         end if     next      mybase.render(writer) end sub 

basically: in code behind set onclick script each cell, passing coordinates of cell , textbox results.

in aspx js script writes coordinates of clicked cell in textbox, iterates cells in table setting color white , sets backgrond color red clicked cell

aspx code:

<%@ page language="vb" autoeventwireup="false" codebehind="testevidenziazione.aspx.vb" inherits="web_test_2010.testevidenziazione" %>  <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 transitional//en" "">  <html xmlns=""> <head runat="server">     <title></title>     <script type="text/javascript">         function highlight(my_row, cell, textbox) {             document.getelementbyid("<%=txtcellselected.clientid%>").value = my_row + ',' + cell;             var table = document.getelementbyid("<%=gridview1.clientid%>");             (var = 0, row; row = table.rows[i]; i++) {                 //iterate through rows                 //rows accessed using "row" variable assigned in loop                 (var j = 0, col; col = row.cells[j]; j++) {                     //iterate through columns                     //columns accessed using "col" variable assigned in loop                = '#ffffff';                     if (i == my_row && j == cell) {                = '#ff0000';                     }                 }             }         }     </script> </head> <body>     <form id="form1" runat="server">      <div>         <asp:textbox id="txtcellselected" runat="server"></asp:textbox>     <asp:gridview id="gridview1" runat="server" autogeneratecolumns="true" showheader="false">      </asp:gridview>     </div>     </form> </body> </html> code:

public class testevidenziazione     inherits      protected sub page_load(byval sender object, byval e system.eventargs) handles me.load         loaddata()     end sub      private sub loaddata()         dim list new arraylist         dim row1 new myrowclass         dim row2 new myrowclass         dim row3 new myrowclass          row1.a = "0,0"         row1.b = "0,1"         row1.c = "0,2"          row2.a = "1,0"         row2.b = "1,1"         row2.c = "1,2"          row3.a = "2,0"         row3.b = "2,1"         row3.c = "2,2"         list.add(row1)         list.add(row2)         list.add(row3)         gridview1.datasource = list         gridview1.databind()      end sub      private class myrowclass         public property string         public property b string         public property c string     end class      private sub gridview1_prerender(sender object, e system.eventargs) handles gridview1.prerender         index_row = 0 gridview1.rows.count - 1             if gridview1.rows(index_row).rowtype = datacontrolrowtype.datarow                 index_cell = 0 gridview1.rows(index_row).cells.count - 1                     gridview1.rows(index_row).cells(index_cell).attributes("onclick") = "highlight(" & index_row.tostring & "," & index_cell.tostring & ", " & txtcellselected.clientid & "); "                 next             end if         next     end sub end class 


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