Remove noise in a graph -

let g=(v,e) dag. v set of vertices in graph, while e set of edges connecting vertices in v.

assume noise introduced in graph, i.e., non-existing edges inserted in e. in way:

  • roots may "hidden" in graph, becoming internal nodes
  • leaves may become internal nodes too
  • cycles inserted in graph

i looking algorithm removes cycles while still preserving topology of initial dag. using dfs now: when encounter loop, 1 of edges composing loop deleted. however, not assure roots , leaves recovered. can found useful in state of art?

thanks in advance.

i'm afraid there not enough information available achieve goal: imagine degenerate tree consisting of single path only. after insertion of spurious edge (vn, v1) graph, graph topology not provide hint on edge delete in order restore original. in particular not able reconstruct former root , leaf.


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