dsl - XText Chained Dependencies in Type Inference -

in experiments, appears xtext cannot resolve variable types when there chain of dependencies across multiple xexpression blocks.

a minimal example, illustrate. have grammar:

grammar eg.types.inference.typeinferenceexample org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.xbase   generate typeinferenceexample "example.org/types/inference/typeinferenceexample"  model:     blocks += block* ;  block:     '{'         'name' ':' name=qualifiedname         'from' ':' ('none' | from=[block|qualifiedname])         'block' ':' expression=xblockexpression     '}' ;  

an interface:

package eg.lib;  public interface imodelblock {     public void push(org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.pair<string, ?> topush); } 

and jvmmodelinferrer:

package eg.types.inference.jvmmodel  import com.google.inject.inject import eg.lib.imodelblock import eg.types.inference.typeinferenceexample.block import eg.types.inference.typeinferenceexample.model import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.xbinaryoperation import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.xexpression import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.xfeaturecall import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.xstringliteral import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.jvmmodel.abstractmodelinferrer import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.jvmmodel.ijvmdeclaredtypeacceptor import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.jvmmodel.jvmtypesbuilder  class typeinferenceexamplejvmmodelinferrer extends abstractmodelinferrer {      @inject extension jvmtypesbuilder      def dispatch void infer(model model, ijvmdeclaredtypeacceptor acceptor, boolean ispreindexingphase) {         model.blocks.foreach [block |             acceptor.accept(block.toclass(block.name)).initializelater [                 supertypes += block.newtyperef(typeof(imodelblock))                 members += block.tomethod("invoke", newtyperef(void::type)) [                     if (block.from != null) {                         block.from.pushtype.foreach [p |                             parameters += block.toparameter(p.key, p.value)                         ]                     }                     body = block.expression                 ]             ]         ]     }      def private pushtype(block block) {         return block.eallcontents.filter[ // list of push calls in block             instanceof xfeaturecall && (it xfeaturecall).concretesyntaxfeaturename.equals("push")         ].map [              val call = xfeaturecall             // add entry push call outputdeclaration             return call.featurecallarguments.map[                 if (!(it instanceof xbinaryoperation)) {                     throw new runtimeexception("must push using -> operator")                 }                 val key = (it xbinaryoperation).leftoperand                 val value = (it xbinaryoperation).rightoperand                 return key.name -> value.inferredtype             ]         ].head     }      def private string name(xexpression literal) {         if (!(literal instanceof xstringliteral)) {             throw new unsupportedoperationexception("literal not string literal")         }         return (literal xstringliteral).value     }  } 

when create simple example dsl, such as:

{     name : blockone     : none     block : {         val = 42 * 3.6         push("index" -> i)     } }  {     name : blocktwo     : blockone     block : {         val res = "another value " + index         push("result" -> res)     } } 

code generated fine (type inference works out types of index , res in generating output java). using pairs in call push on blockone infer interface on invoke method blocktwo. push method comes imodelblock interface above. if add third block example, thus:

{     name : blockthree     : blocktwo     block : {         val out = "this 1 came from: " + result         push("out" -> out)     } } 

inference fails, unsupportedoperationexception: todo: import functional handle on type resolution delegates best available (current, evolving) result (from onchangeevictingcache.execwithoutcacheclear, cachingbatchtyperesolver.resolvetypes).

is there other technique should use derive types of variables have chained dependencies in xtext?

thanks help!

this seem have been bug in version use. try latest one.


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