jquery - Wrap text inside html tag -

i trying wrap text in inside <span> tag using jquery. below code not working. please point out going wrong. please suggest better/different approach.

var mysearch = '(05/13/2012-11/13/2012)'; $('table:eq(0) tr:eq(1) th:contains("' + mysearch + '")').filter(function () {     return this.html().replace('(05/13/2012-11/13/2012)', '<span class = "red"> (05/13/2012-11/13/2012)</span>'); }); 

demo on jsfiddle

this in code dom element object doesn't have html method, don't need filter method, can use html method.

$('table:eq(0) tr:eq(1) th:contains("' + mysearch + '")').html(function(_, html) {     return html.replace('(05/13/2012-11/13/2012)', '<span class="red"> (05/13/2012-11/13/2012)</span>'); }); 

if content of th equal mysearch string, can use wrapinner method:

$('table:eq(0) tr:eq(1) th').filter(function(){     return $.trim($(this).text()) === mysearch; }).wrapinner('<span class="red"></span>'); 

js fiddle


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