javascript - How to get Children that have same type Kineticjs? -

i have trouble in kineticjs, in code:

var g1=new  var sq=new kinetic.rect({ x:0, y:0, name:"sq" }) var line1=new kinetic.line({ points:[0,0,10,10], name:"line1" })  var line2=new kinetic.line({ points:[0,0,50,50], name:"line1" })  g1.add(sq).add(line1).add(line2) 

i know children g1 type "g1.getchildren()". children has same type example type kinetic.line don't have idea. please me, tahnks

sorry not having tutorial on this, can select children type this:

var shapes = layer.get('line');

in kineticjs, shape types similar dom tags. can select them name.


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