Defining shared library in Typescript and Visual Studio Express -

i have projecta set compiling , running in visual studio typescript. want set projectb, , use of code projecta

so if directory structure is:

c:\workspace\projecta\src c:\workspace\projectb\src c:\workspace\shared\src 

is possible edit projecta , projectb .csproj files point shared typescript code?


i have tested placing shared files (the typescript file , associated files) in shared folder , using add > existing item , selecting add link when add files.

if using reference comments, you'll need use relative path - if drag shared file onto local typescript file generate you:

/// <reference path="../../shared/logger.ts" /> 

you need consider deployment strategy. 1 way set javascript files copy on build, appear in bin folder.

you might want consider packaging shared stuff - make nuget packages them example.


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