css - hide div tag on mobile view only? -

i'm creating fluid layout site. i'm trying hide contents of <div> or whole <div> in mobile view, not tablet , desktop view.

here's i've got far...

#title_message {     clear: both;     float: left;     margin: 10px auto 5px 20px;     width: 28%;     display: none; } 

i have display set 'none' mobile layout , set block on tablet/desktop layouts... there easier way that, or it?

you need 2 things. first @media screen activate specific code @ screen size, used responsive design. second use of visibility: hidden attribute. once browser/screen reaches 600pixels #title_message become hidden.

@media screen , (max-width: 600px) {   #title_message {     visibility: hidden;     clear: both;     float: left;     margin: 10px auto 5px 20px;     width: 28%;     display: none;   } } 

edit: if using css mobile add visibility: hidden; #title_message. hope helps you!


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