ios - Key-value observation: Can I observe for changes on ALL properties? -

whenever property on object changed or updated want change variable (nonce variable). nonce time-based. everytime property updated nonce gets updated current time.

is there way automatically listen key changes on object? or have manually maintain keyvalue observers each property separately?

many thanks

did take @ obj-c runtime functions? see here in docs. example, gives list of properties in class lender. (btw: i'm not @ mac, straight out of docs):

@interface lender : nsobject {     float alone; } @property float alone; @end 

you can list of properties using:

id lenderclass = objc_getclass("lender"); unsigned int outcount; objc_property_t *properties = class_copypropertylist(lenderclass, &outcount); 

you can name of property:

const char *property_getname(objc_property_t property) 

if pipe names addobserver:forkeypath:options:context should golden.


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