javascript - How to get a user's entire youtube watch history? -

i'm trying full list of watched videos given user in youtube api application. want add total duration of videos have watched on youtube. when list of videos in history playlist api caps @ 50. know there's pagination thing total in playlist 50 not total on page; can't access more data api appears. there way can playlist without data cap? i'm hoping method of using api or way without api. know youtube stores data because can view entire history, far more 50 videos on site.

i'm using code:

var requestoptions = {     playlistid: playlistid,     part: 'snippet',     maxresults: 50 };; 

where playlistid id of history playlist got request.

the api retrieves last 2 weeks of watch history. more information refer bug issue reported:

note: there similar question on asked here: youtube api v3 returns truncated watch history


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