How to style internal elements of a Dart Web Component? -

i playing popover component in dart "bee" web components package (bee)

however, can't see way of changing default styling internal elements of component. want change style of <div class="x-popover-dialog"> has rounded corners. however, if add following app's css file, gets removed time gets "out" folder.

.x-popover-dialog {     border-radius: 6px; } 

is possible, or way modify web component (or perhaps extend it)?


okay, there number of factors here. first, cannot redefine class defined within component. can apply own styling component if element not specify own styles. instance, can change font-size on on 'p' elements within component. or div#someid { color: red; } cannot redefine class, or add definitions class.

the fact can modify styles @ all, unless explicitly allowed, bug in web_ui. tracked as: issue 374: support apply-author-styles.

ideally, when full support implemented, not able apply own styles web component unless explicitly permitted web-component itself. more information on apply-author-styles , related reset-style-inheritance see great shadow dom 201 tutorial.


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