c++ - How to deploy boost library? -

i have used boost library (particularly, boost filesystem) project in visual studio c++ (9.0 version). boost library installed in c drive. project finished, therefore, have corresponding debug , release.

now, want include particular dlls of boost filesystem debug , release, first question dlls need copy? shows many dlls filesystem. ones tried "boost_filesystem-vc90-mt-1_40.dll" , "boost_filesystem-vc90-mt-gd-1_40.dll". since, got idea "vc90", think means visual studio 9.0?

second question, if don't include these boost filesystem dlls debug or release, exe file of project still working? can please explain why happening? tried check if have boost library path somehow in environment variables, but, unfortunately not find them there. lot.

p.s.: beginner in both c++ , boost. and, library using opencv, copied corresponding dlls (core, highgui , imgproc) debug , release , 1 working perfectly.

you have 2 options:

a. deploy boost dlls binary. answering question - of course if project depends on boost, libraries required @ runtime, binary not start without them.

if deploy release configuration of project, need boost_filesystem-vc90-mt-1_40.dll library. in general can see dependencies of binary using dependency walker tool.

b. link boost libraries statically, in case binary not have runtime dependency on boost dlls, don't have deploy them


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